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Sunday, January 19, 2020

14 degrees, helped w/4 stalls horses were in

Bullets to begin
Went to the farmers market got my stew stuff, salsa and meat for the stew
Got to the barn, the feild is clear since last weekends melt.  I knew there was a snow storm expected at 8m and that its always early late or turns to rain so I got over around 12. The horses were in, that disappointing. I helped out with 4 stalls and then got Duke outside. Its hard to work while they are loading the gator with the stuff for mucking etc and the shavings for the stalls. I brought Duke outside and he jumped aorund. I have been feeling that this isnt the best year for Duke and I having a gentle relationship. I did start the ground work and round penning with Krystyn but I think its not enough. I think that I need to start having Krystyn actually ride him and also the arena work needs to be like 2 a week. That would help.
I went into the arena and it was difficult. As I put him into position he comes over to me and acts too aggressive. He actual seems to walk too close to me and my space.
I think I need to establish my space and then keep him back iwth a powerful force and keep it up continually.

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