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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Saturday only, I hate winter

Just a quick post, I had a fun time at the barn on Saturday afternoon. I hurt my back last week and its scary to lift anything or to go working out at the barn i you cant really lift anything. I feel helpless
Well they were all in and Jess Ann was there.  I was there later in the afternoon. I Saw that Duke was in all day. I feel so bad for them when they are stuck insside. Duke had lots of energy. I was trying ti imagine how happy he would be that he was able to get into the arena and stretch. Im still working with Krystyn on his terrible attitude. I need her to help me get over my hesitations with him. Im glad shes got the faith in us both.

Well I was at the barn on Saturday for a while. I had missed the Farmers Market and was unable to help with stalls, so I stayed at home and got ready for Vals visit. Also I wanted to make sure I saw Duke before Valerie came by. Joe and Ashley were going out and Bob and I were going to take her overnight.  Its exciting but I have to make sure I keep up my Duke and Barn time.
Like I said I hate winter.
Anyway, Duke showed such great power and he was so happy to get out there in the arena and stretch. I also took him for a short walk outside before turning. I like ot go down the road but today I just walked out the driveway and then back to the barn.  I did his hoofs and gave him all of the grooming love he deserves.

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