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Saturday, January 4, 2020

New Treeless English for 2020

Raining out and I headed over after my morning chores.  I checked in with Krystyn to make  sure that we were still on for 2pm. When I got there Kristin An was in the office anacking eating nuts alone. The barn didnt look that clean. I was imagining that she had finished the barn work early and was taking a break.  The horses were in their stalls and I got my new saddle and brought it in, put the saddle stand up and started to put together everything. I put Duke into the arena to play a little bit before he was tacked. I looked around the tack room to gather my stuff up. I had brought some pads I had bought a couple of years ago from Vovo Stables was moving. I felt like I was getting ready to go English with this saddle treeless but totally english, called Endurance saddle. I prepared to get stuff ready and groomed him up. I was thinking of tacked him up but waited, I had arrived about 45 min before the lesson. I was and still am very excited about commiting to the new saddle, method and the new Duke. I wont deny that he may not be able to take me he might not be able to ride with me anymore. This is something I might need to face in the next few weeks/months.
The lesson was great, I had him run around first as i was doing chorses. I then took him into the cross ties and gave him the usual amazing spa treatments for his tail, main, head tuft and all of his coat.  Hes got the healthiest coat he makes me smile at how he carries hiself around. His attitude is so lively.  Krystyn came quickly I actually thought she came early. I know we are both excited about trying out the saddle to see if he is happy.  Well Krystyn and I tacked him together. I was not very familiar with the saddle or english. I asked Krystyn to look at us as New Saddle, New Rider.
She did good. Duke went out and was pretty happy with the saddle seemed comfortable. I let her get him going and get some energy going. Because hes been in that day he really enjoyed the attention. I after some of his workout I got on him. Just before Krystyn had worked with him at the mounting block to see if he can improve on his behavior at the block. After the workout Krystyn thought I should put some more weight on him on the saddle.  Short amount of time. She had spent time at the mounting block and she had placed her weight on him for a while to see if he responded at all.  It seemed to go well.  Then I got on him for a small sit. Krystyn thought that we should walk around the arena. I didnt put on his bridle or use the reins. Im not sure how I felt.
I am not very happy with how I feel yet on the saddle but I think I can work it out over some time, maybe all winter.
I got on and Krystyn and I took it easy walking around. 

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