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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

5pm lesson but Duke had an episode, No more apples or carrots now

Got to the barn around 445pm I wanted to be earlier. Krystyn was doing the night feedings etc and she said she could do a lesson after she closed up.  She was still doing chores when I got there. Duke had his bucket full of grain and was very happy. I had a few cookies in my pockets but you cant give him anything before we go do our lessons or he'll act up too much. Well Duke was covered with mud on his leftt side. I had brought in my new treeless saddle but really didnt think that its time to ride him yet. I want to keep him conditioned. So I got my mud brush and when at him. Hes shedding alot but I dont think its time for spring yet.
Krystyn had finished her chorses and I said I had my new saddle and I could put it on. We began disucssing how Duke and I have been progressing in the arena.  Krystyn says I need to keep working on him and things will improve. She did a little bit of work with him as you can see in this picture then Duke took a break. I love how he runs by me and makes sure I see his eyes that hes doing such a great job wokring out.
Krystyn thens said that I should go out and try to work iwht him. As I was getting the lunge whip, he didnt seem himself. He wasnt responding at all. I said that it seemed like hes was choking or he had something down the wrong pipe.  I moved and Krysyn checke dhim out. Quickly she ran to the office and in 2 seconds she came back iwth a short to help him relax. He was swallowing but unable to cough out the teriible discomfort he had in his neck. I turned aorund again and there was Bonne. Shes so comforting to have her there. She asked me straighforward, how do . think hes doing.  I continued to walk wiht Due in the arena. He was hesitant a few imes because he was concentraing on getting his esophogus clear.  Krystyn and Bonnie showed me where to massage on his neck under hi nect on his essophongus. He apprecaite it as I was giving him a message.

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