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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Dr Katz Beas back is good its just weak

 Got a text from Kristin Mc that Dr Katz is coming. I had let her know that I wanted to have Beau looked at to see if his back is an issue. 

I had to leave work at 12 is to meet him around 1245 at Greenwood.

I was the first person there, pulled up at the same time as Dr Katz. He was a nice man with a big smile. I ran up to get Beau out of his paddock, I Called him as I walked up the hill. He recongnized my voice and came to the gate. I think he gets it. During his exam he only yelled out to the herd once time.  think he yells out if hes down in the stall for longer period of time w/o being busy. I think it startles me.

I let Dr know that he hates flies and fletches his body and kicks his leg out in a way that I have not witnessed before.

Dr Katz was a kind looking man, he had a cool step block made of vinyl like a piece of furniture.

Dr Katz starts with going down his spine, with a piece of metal and his fingers. He was impressed with his potentiona and how he responded to the stimuli of working the joints and muscles.

He worked up his skin all over his back. He examined his muscles and check so many things. He asked me if, what I was working with him, if I had gotten on him, checked his saddles we checked them all. Even Dukes saddles. He was glad that I had not tried to ride him because he thought it would injure him. The tree of the saddles would go into his back in a bad way.

He gave me exercises for Beau to do, the ones that I was especially interested was the tickle on the backside, and the one where he would contract his stomach, he was too weak to flex.

It costs $125 for about 40 min check up. thorough exam. 

Kristin stayed for the exam, she talked to Dr Katz a bit too much considering it was my first exam. When she left, Dr Katz mentioned after I said I was looking forward to getting time in the arena, finding alone time at the barn. He said, do too many people weigh in on your time? I said yes. He said to keep going and not worry about all the opinions.

  • Call for Dr Katz Visit, left work around 12ish for 1245 appt, I was first for being seen. After a while Kristin came in.
  • Dr Katz was more of a Dr than I expected, he gave me an evaluation, when through almost every bone and muscle in his body. Stood on his step, and really paid attention.
  • I liked how he focused on the eval. 
  • Beau seemed very interested, somewhat calm,  being poked in some of the most sensitive places he was keeping pretty calm, but twitched and sort of kicked a few times. It make his a bit ready for some sort of a pain. But it didn't seem to haappen, event though Dr Katz was using a metal sort of spoon to check some of the areas, smoothing it over the areas and working out the bumps and knots of his back and side.
  • He was very interseted in the last time he had his teeth done. I called Krystyn and she said he did have them done in a while and not the last time sthe dentist came.. I am thinking that Beau has been neglected a lot more than I had originally thought.
  • I like how honest K was with me, about how she was able to communicante to me that she did not feel good about her and Beaus relationship. Not sue what happened but it was a deal beaker.
    • End of appt, Dr Katzh is happy that I had been dong ground work only
    • Gave me a list of things to do that include, walking backwards, lunging for a while, going over poles, walking, moving as we were doing and also working on going up hills.
      • we don't have much of a hill available to work on except walking up the hill to his paddock several times.
      • He said don't use those saddles for 6 weeks it would hurt him. 
      • I would do him a favor by riding bareback. Im gong to find the bareback pad and work from there. Maybe ride today maybe wait till tomorrow
        • Steve said, would it help if I came one time to meet Beau? I said yeah why. 
    • I was happy to see that walking backwards and also movement side was part of the exercise
      • Im going to time the movement and doc them here
      • Also going to try and write them down to track too
  • Dr Katz caught on that everyone was in my business, finding a time that I can be along with Beau and not judged or comments me. Some of them may not be helpful at all, knowing all the positive and less positive comments is not helpful unless I ask.  "Who Asked you?"

Looking forward to Saturday with Beau,


At the end of my visit, my head was spinning.

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