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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Dr Katz appt, but Dave showed up for shoes

 I decided to do the 830 appt with Dr Katz so I could work with Beau before his appt. 

When I got there Dave was 1/2 way through doing his shoes. He seemed overly frustrated with Beau he was yelling at him He had the chain on his head and yanked it a few times. If made me feel a bit terrible. He had dug out the fungus on his hoof and we had hoped it would grow out but it’s not there yet.

Patti took the Katz 830 appt and I can be with Dr Katz for the 9am. After Dave left I was able to go in the arena for a new workout. 

We put on the cavasson halter its great. He even changed directions with limited cue, so proud. Katz said that his back went down a bit but he was very strong in all his back responses.

Dr Katz is a great benefit for me usually I can ask questions learn new things.  Beau is always happy to see him.

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