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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sunny Saturday & supplement duty &Sunday rain workout w/Cavasson

 Saturday was nice out I didnt have alot of time because I had to go to the NDCR Gala, so I needed to stay for only a little while. Beau was up in his paddock, totally chillin out, I brought him an apple and gave everyone snacks, it was lovely. I wanted to hang out in the paddock like last weekend but realized that I needed to do all the supplements. 
Right now hes taking Cosaquin, Previcox, Horseshire for his hoofs, Bug-off for his flies, Magnesium for his moods. Takes a while to make up the little bags, I make 2 weeks at a time. And now I have a really cool drawer to hold the supplements. 


Missed Patti left that house at 430 or so and got home around 7pm.

brushed out Beau in his stall then moved him to the crossties with the new Cavason halter

When I placed it on him it fit different.

He was sort of unsure what I was doing.

I brought him out and did some brushing, he was sensitive in his hind end on the side.

Even the way he was  standing and acting. He picked up his feet ok but seemed uncomfortable, and picked each one up, awkwardly. Looks like he was needing 

When we finally got into the arena, after Kenzi's leaser Leah Beau rolled but did not race around.

I let him chill a little and walked some with him.

We did our exercise, Beau did not seem to be comfortable doing the turns, when I asked him to move sideways he kicked out. I was surprised. It happened more than a couple times.  I didnt ask him any more. 

[After I got home I texted Krystyn to keep an eye on Beau to make sure hes ok, and not in pain. Im a bit worried.]

clipped on the lead line and then we walked special special way he was attentive and walked perfectly with me. He has not been that good. I almost think he missed it. He was not comfortable walking sideways, doing the foot over foot in the back. Poor thing

Im going to keep going with him on the Cavesson and get to the point where I can put on his saddle and then lunge him. I know we cad do this.

Also I asked him to come over to the mounting block, and stand he did it perfectly. I imagined that I had the saddle and stepped up to riding again. I need to do this.

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