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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Colleen, Andy, Blue and a cold windy day with a huge trail ride today.

Colleen coming around the corner on her favorite friend from Bobby's "Andy"  Big Smiles from both.
I was certainly nice to have Colleen back riding today.  I wish it wasnt so cold, windy over crowded ride etc.  When we pulled up to the dirt road we could see the corral was full with horses ready to go.  It was going to be a big ride. At least the trails were clear of snow, mud and ice, finally. It took a while to load. The wind was strong. When we pulled up I knew we were later than I like because Malaki was getting the first rider, it wasnt me.  I jumped out of the car and ran to sign in with Bob in the office.  Colleen was looking great on the trail. As I approached the loading ramp (that was newly re-finished with strong boards), Sheila had Blue ready to go.  It was so cold and my hair was still wet. It must have been a little over 40 plus the wind.
It was a large ride and Colleen and I were near each other. She smiled most of the time.
We didnt split the ride , too many small children. Bob said that one of the children was too short to ride today, but did.
Even though the trail ride was short (no lake at all) it was still beautiful and fun.

Blue's beautiful face as he turned to look at me and the rest of the ride.
Nice Long line of riders.  The children were in teh back tehthered to Sarah, Olivia and Cassie.

Finally able to take our hats off.

This guy (Dallas I think) was following Olivia while the next ride loaded. He was sad he didnt go out again.

Pedro and Figoro looking as sweet as ever.

Tango being sweet and silly.

He surprised Colleen and I when he dug down into the hay and threw it up in the air.

I jumped on Blue, hes a good guy.  He walked over and broke through the ice on the barrell to get a drink.  He seemed pretty on-his-game. Sheila told me she had Andy all set up for Colleen. She said she wanted to make sure that she had a good ride today.  I was so happy to see them both together.
We all stood and crept up for it seems like a long time.  Finally the ride was loaded. There was 4 guides and it looked as though three of the guides had a small tethered child with their horses. I think it was a stressful ride for the guides (Sarah, Sheila, Olivia, Cassie)
We knew it was going to be a slow one and none could split off because of the added children.  We didnt even go near the lake.  We took a right even before the sandy clearing.  I imagine it was a ride that wasnt easy to guide.  Colleen was smiling each time I looked back.  Andy was taking excellent care o her.  She was totally beaming. We had an uneventful ride. It was good.  I dont want anymore snow or the ice.
Colleen had her new car it was small, red, cute, shiny and powerful looking. She had a smile a mile wide.

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