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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Colleen Set me up for a early B-Day Ride.

Great ride. The ride before was very large this one was able to do a trot ride. I was on beautiful Duchess behind Sheila on Tulsa. She was in such a great mood it was amazing to ride with her again. Colleen was behind me on Andy.  At the beginning of the ride Andy bit Duchess and she gave him a big ole kick back. I hope his front paw is ok. The weather was still kinda of nice 50s I think. I wore gloves still.  My Duchess was tired. I was mad that I forgot carrots that I had bought just for them. Malaki was taking a rest today.  Sheila says he is older. I was thinking about maybe learning to take care of him.  Maybe I would lease him from Bobby so that he coudl have a lighter summer. Sheila says that he is getting older and the summer is tough. Im thinking about him alot I like him.  I took lots f candids of the horses today. Akiva, Apache, Jewel out on the trails with us today.

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