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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturday Ride Malaki, April and Sarah

Met a new friend and her mom today on the ride.  They wanted to learn more about the farm and her mom asked if she could volunteer.  Christina rode behind me today on Freckles. The ride was huge and the one after even larger. The temp was finally a little better 62 or so.  The trot ride was huge.  The problem was there were motorized vehicles on the trail blocking our trail. We lost out on many trots.
Malaki getting ready to ride

New Horse that SarahB rode.
April has this great quality of looking at me when I spoke with her

Silver the new horse

Malaki was sneaky and put in a couple of quick steps for me. He's such a nice guy. I learned a new thing from Sarah. She told me that if he is slow on the step that if you rub the sides with your leg as he walks they horse will walk faster. It worked. We saw a few deer today a very small one was we walked up the tricky hill trail that bends up the hill goes around a few trees and over a couple of logs.  Malaki did bite the new horse April.  There was also another new horse Silver.  He was pretty and sweet.  I realized today that Bobby likes to sell horses at a profit. It is part of his enjoyment. He says he makes profits. You know he's a pretty savy guy.
Kanti was happy helping out with the horses. Its nice to see. I dont think I could ever get to theat proficiency.
Ill post some pictures later.

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