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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Had to meet my friends for a 9am. Duke, Kanti, Apache, Sarah Belle, Barb and Foxie

I practically jumped out of bed today to make sure I could be at the 9am.  The carrots were i my car and I had my clothes all layed out. Raychel was in her room when I woke up. I checked to see if she was working. She said no I was out the door early.
I was about 10 min early and feelig good. No Kanti in sight. As I was signing in with Sheila the phone rang and it was Kanti.  She was going to be late.  Cathey was giving Tabu a rub down with Sandy and Barb was waiting patiently on a rock.  I went in and saw all the horses getting ready. There were alot of help today.  It was wicked hot. Today it would be in the 90s.
We waited.

This is my little lamb.  Hes mouth is so small I have to make sure his carrots are very small.  Hes the sweetest.  The mini horses are kinda of mean to the little donkeys and the nice lamb.
I was not sure who this was getting a drink. Cash it wasnt Smokey.  I need to identify this sweetie later.

Early Ride with Kanti, Barb and Sarah.  A newer trail down an old tyme Road. We moved quickly back to the Ranch.

Belle wasnt comfortable around this downed Tree.  Apache didnt have any probs with the tree.

Lush growth on the trails.
Beautiful Old Road with tons of delicious grass, Duke was tempted.

I think this is Lakota

Tango loving Tabu

She came about 10 min late and we jumped on the horses. I had Duke and he was in a great mood.  He rode so great today. He trotted like crazy. We could have cantered but we were not really ready. Sarah was the lead. I think that Kanti asks for her.  I love it.  She is a ton of fun and loves to ride the horses.  It was a small ride just like I like. Perfect 9am.  Bob was int eh office later I brought over the carrots.
More later.
We rode out in Duke's favorite green spot that we rode a few years ago. A road.  Sheila had taken me there for the first time with Duke last year and he was so fresh stealing grass. He was better today but still swiped bites.

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