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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Missed the 9am but went on the 10

I was driving today and realized that I had gotten off the highway and back on 495 but still couldnt make the 9am.  I had to call and let Bobby know that I was totally late. I had my bags packed for the Cape because I was going to drive directly to Bourne from the Ranch. It would have been better if I had left after the 9am.  The ride had left and I apologized to Bobby and paid. He said that Kanti was around and didnt go on the 9am.  I got my carrots and looked around and the girls were in the barn taking care of Winston, Kanti was brushing cedric and Bobby was shoeing Hershey.  I missed seeing Sarah.
When the ride got back I saw it was many tourists wearing Red Sox hats, and Boston Strong shirts. They were so happy they said the ride was amazing.
We all got ready for the next ride. It looked like it was pretty big.  I was second on the horse. I said that Id take Malaki if he was working today or any horse that needs to go out.  Oh by the way it was about 85 degrees and rising.  Malaki was sweating. I felt bad for him.  The ride had a few people that were funny. The lady in front of my was on Toby and hre boyfriend was riding Hershey.  They seemed excited to ride.  2-3 times Toby backed his butt into the woods to itch it.  He is so funny.
Lindsey was in front and I was behind the couple.  Kanti was behind me.  She was so happy.  I missed Sarah.  I should have called her.
The ride was good we had some trots. The people were excited. Cassie had the back of the ride and was helping the new girl Lindsey lead on Jewel.  Its nice to see Jewel out on the trails. She listens great.  We had to move a branch.  Malaki didnt bite any butts but he did go slow so I had to work on his walk pace.  He was so funny when he would trot to catch up.  Kanti said that she loved to watch me on Malaki the way he trots.  He is a very nice horse.  I am hoping to take some lessons with him and he can teach me a thing or two. The lessons are on Wednesday's at 4pm on the trail.  I like the sound of that plan.
There was a baby deer in this field when I pulled into the farm today.

When I call Blue's name he always says hi.

I thought it was beautiful buttercup fields.
Hershey is getting new shoes then going out on the trail.
Over Cedric's saddle is a view of Hershey getting his shoes.
I got a chance to give my buddy Malaki some carrots after our ride Saturday. It was cool.

Hershey's ready now with Anja.

Kanti getting teh little donkey babies back to their pen.

They were a little reluctant.  Carrots help make it easier.

On the Trail.  You can see Malaki's cute ears. 
I love to look back and get a picture of the fire pit on the lake.  Beautiful view.
Beautiful Domino

Sweet little sheep, her mouth is so small I worry she will choke on the carrots.

Honey the mini

Yogi before the pony ride.

He was so cute getting carrots.  He's not rude to the minis when eating like some of the other minis.

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