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Sunday, December 14, 2014

First Day on trail with new Saddle - No Breastplate still

Went out with Amanda, Kanti and Laurie, thought wed just go around the lake but those guys wanted to go to the Groton woods, Dog Pound and run through a gravel pit area.  I had to hold back on Duke, the saddle is sliding and I had no breastplate.  Bob said that he didn't think I needed one but he wasn't aware that I had moved the blanket and Saddle back to the proper position before he saw it.  He said he wanted to keep me from being stupid about it. I told him that I think I know when the saddle is sliding back and that Im pretty sure Im not stupid about it.  I laughed it off, pretty much.
He told me to go get it and he'd take a look. Together we placed it together and talked about how we could change the grip straps and work on the adjustments.  He said that if I left my saddle in the tack room he'd take a look.

Amanda was working with her little mustang Ember.  She asked me if I would stay a while and take some pics of her because she's going to put on a saddle and try to put some weight on her, possibly sit on her and ride. I was excited.  When the other ride returned they all were in the corridor of the barn while Amanda was in the ring slowly walking around with Ember.  When I went into the ring I asked her what I could do to help her out. I walked over and got the steps for her to step up to get on Ember.  Plus I had my camera.  She said if I put some weight on the saddle's other side and she could start to possible mount Ember.  She said that when she put her leg over I should get our of the way asap.  I told her that I could help her when she mounted her by holding her halter or something  Amanda let me know that it was not going to be like that at all.  when she put weight on the saddle she did not know what Ember would do.  I was puzzled.   She placed her let over and I slowly backed away.  Suddenly Ember was bucking all over the place and i realized that I was like a Rodeo clown and Amanda was the rodeo rider.  Wow I got out of the way.  After Amanda and Ember became calm for the initial bucking.Sarah put a rope on her and they walked around for the first time with weight on Ember.  First time she was ridden.  It was pretty exciting.

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