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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Quiet peaceful ride, feeling sad

It was raining this morning but we all decided to go to farm to do what we do.  It was a Sunday, Sandy had a death in the family yesterday and was truly blue.  I hate to see her so sad.  I grabbed the mini eclairs to share in the tack room.  It was a good idea.  Sarah also looked so sad.  Cassie getting hurt was on the minds of everyone, we were all thinking that she shouldn't have gotten hurt and praying that she was out of pain soon.  
I imaginged just brushing out Duke and maybe not doing anything.  The horses in the ring running wild excited everyone.  Bob was in the Tack room and he was very solemn.  He mentioned that he had been yelling at everyone to be more careful.  He thought he hadn't been yelling loud enough because no one listened.  Poor Bob, Bobby, Theresa, Joey Camdon and the rest of the family.  They all depend on Cassie so much.  She has become so strong.  I know she will get through this but its going to take lots of effort.
Bryce wanted to ride in the ring with me.  I maybe should have stayed back with her.  She is a sweetie.  I was thinking about it.  It took a long time for Duke to get in the ring. When the 2nd group got in the ring they were not over excited.  They were the controlled group.  Duke just wanted to either get back to the barn or go our with me.  One or the Other.  After a while,  Sandi asked if I wanted to go with her and Kellie. I know that Laurie wanted to go out with Apache.  It wasn't long before I agreed to go out.  We had been there for a while before finally getting on the horses. I didn't get Duke out for a while and was the last one to get him tacked.  I wasn't as successful as I was yesterday.  Sometimes I think Im better when no one is watching.  ;)
Duke is not really listening to me when we are on the farm.  He's still in the routine of the public rides.  One of the icings I can't get him to break it the way he wants to go in the corral after the ride. I need him to go around to the outside rail to dismount. Also he isn't sure I am his lead yet.  He still thinks Im just kinda his boss sometimes.  
After the ride today we trotted together to the dining room. It was exciting. Id like him to know that after we ride he gets a treat.  He's a sweet guy.  I need to get the tags on his eating pail so that I can feed him snacks with it.

During the day I went behind the barn, It seem so desolate.  Sort of sad today w/Cassie hurt.

Ride with Kanti Sandi Kellie & Laurie.  Main trails were so muddy we headed into river path
We stuck to the high ground
When I got  to farm, part of the herd was in the ring kicking it up even Duchy.  Foxie made us laugh.
Out on the trails my saddle finally felt adjusted. My body and leg felt the proper length.

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