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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Dukes leg is getting better thanks to his dear friends Cassie and Theresa

While cleaning Dukes hoof on Saturday I prayed out 3 rocks in his back hoof.  He let me clean his hoofs and is getting a little bit more comfortable.  I spent lots of time with Duke before going out on the ride.  I believe that the time spent with him has really help me feel closer and given me a great feeling about our relationship. Hopefully he is getting a benefit too.
At the dismount Duke is still not cooperating about getting off.
I have been putting off separating from the ride at the end so that Duke will understand he is not a public trail horse but he's my trail horse.

I belive we need to do this very soon.

We went out on a short ride. I was not going to have him trot but he gets so excited out on the trails. At the split I asked Theresa if it would be ok if he trotted, she said he's ready.

Monday is Duke's Dentist appt so he will be getting his teeth floated.  I hope that he will benefit the improved balance, eating and generally have a better experience in life.
Duke is healing up but is still a little swollen.

In the background you can see how far the barn is coming along.  Bob and Bobby work everyday all day, Theresa told me yesterday.  I took a couple pics of the two working hard up on the top of the structure.

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