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Sunday, August 23, 2015

August Spa Day for Duke

When I got Duke from the herd it was misting out and he was dirty from rolling in dirt.  He needed a nice brushing out. T
hen he needed his hoofs 
  • brushed off 
  • washed 
  • cleaned
  • dried for the conditioner.

I let him graze in the wet grass to help me while I cleaned them. He wasn't even annoyed with my ultra brushing and pouring water all over his hoof as he slowly walked against the barn in the long wet grass..
Then I walked him into the barn gave him some carrot chips
We split an apple I dried him off a bit conditioned his hoofs and he was all set.
Later as we walked back to the herd, instead of me asking him to trot with me he just saw my pace change and he trotted to keep up.  and well before the gate I asked him to hold up, he quickly stopped to my "ho" call.   As we were trotting beautifully Stetson ran along the fence of the herd area next to us.  When I got to the gate Stetson was there, so I have him a treat too.
:)  Loved it, GREAT day all about Duke.  He's looking so good.

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