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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Big Saturday at the Ranch then took care of Pearl, Shenandoah near home

Got up early to go over to the ranch.  I arrived about 845 and went over and got Duke.  Hes so cute I give him an apple every time I get him.  Jim is there too.  I parked and went over to the far barn as soon as I could.  Its great to get him and run back to the tack shed to tack him up.  Laurie was meeting her friend for the 10 ride and she was going out before for a ride with Amy.  She was tacking up Apache with Katie and Winter by the out rail.  I cant stand sharing space. 
[As Raychel said I have a space issue, I want my own space and plenty of it. With my draft horse Duke I want even more.]
I guess that's it, I need tons of room for Duke so I took his tack over to the big log rail where the customer load.
  I worked on him and then grabbed his saddle. 
 He does so much better when hes got the space.  When its took tight he acts up.  He did a funny thikng with my black jean jacket, chewed the jacket that happen to have an apple it in, when I reached in the pocket it was apple sauce.  I didn't give it to him until time to leave, so funny.

He was so amazing, after they left for the pre ride, I went in with Duke to the indoor ring.
Duke trotted the whole time he was amazing.  Even Bob walked by and gave me some advice on how I was holding my feet in the stirrups (I should put my feet more forward).  Also he gave me advice on sitting on the seat of the saddle I should sit up forward.
Well I worked with him and he was the greatest ever had been in the indoor ring.  He would never listen to me or do what I asked and he trotted and walked and stood while I mounted him on the step in the indoor.
I got ready for the 10am ride with Terry and Laurie and her friend.  Terry was very friendly and Amy also went on the ride. It was kinda nice except it was a totally a walk ride.  There was some thing about the ride though, they were having the special neighborhood party where they put up tents and bbq grills in the sandy area for the big party.  It also brought on another problem.  We could here the dirt bikes, many of them.  And at the end of the ride, the came as loud as they could to the back of the border barn almost on Bobbys property.  Face to face with our ride. They rieved their engines and acted like total jerks.  I yelled at them with my loud, low Moms voice just to make sure then knew they were flying toward horseback riders.  Like I said they stunk. 

Katie was brave and because the horses couldn't pass the stupid bikes in the thin path, we did an about face and Duke took the lead all the way home. I was proud as I know his foot hurt because he only had on 1/2 a shoe.  He lead the ride back to the barn and took every que I gave him.  He's a super horse super best friend for me.
So proud of that guy.

Oh yea then everyone left and he worked with me in the outdoor ring.  Went around trotting on cue and the best part is I waited to see Val so he just grazed at the end of the day while I watched him and we hung out together. 

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