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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Little Misty today, No Saddle Duke was so patient as I rode Bareback for the first time.

Duke waiting in the shed like an fast car waiting to get polished and go out for a spin on the trails or the ring
I was at the farm forever but its still not enough time.  I think I got there around 1030 or so.  I went down and got Duke, He didnt great me like last time running to the fence.  He was just standing there in the wooden shed just hanging out. wanted to give him an apple right away.  I went over to the ring and grabbed the bridle and the reins. I went into to Theresa to ask how things are going and let her know that I wanted to ride bareback with Duke in the outside ring.  She thinks thats a good idea.  Also I was reminding her that Im going to have a table for Bobbys Ranch at the 31 Oct Tack Sale in Billerica.
Here is Duke hanging out in his garage like wooden shed
Anway I was with Duke for many hours. He was pretty anxious about coming with me and then he went into the ring.  He likes the outside ring.  He can eat grass and  stil do good.  I started working on his hoofs. I put the conditionaer on his hoofs.  I brushed him.
 After I conditioned his hoofs I put on his New Halter.

Then I put on his bit and the reins.  I tried to get on his back by using the step but it was tiny for Duke. I found out later that Bob was watching me and he said he saw me riding on Duke.  I learned from Sarah how to use the fence to climb up on him.  He was pretty coooperative. I put him next to the fence and he did great.  After I got on his back I realized that I may not be able to ride him because of is long, high, spine.  It was like strattling a rope.  not good.
Then with the patience of a saint Duke listened to my every request.  He followed directions and went around the ring twice and once in the opposite direction.
Hes amazing, so good with me.  I am proud of him.

New Red Halter ready for a ride in the ring

After Bareback Ride - Duke smiling at me - apple he gets for being great

Stacie sent me this cool picture from a show she was at today.  She said they were all Grey Percheron and she called them all Duke

Looks just like Duke, Grey Percheron

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