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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesdays at Bobbys, its closed, not a soul around but horses, goats, sheep, donkeys dogs and kitties.

Im been working nights at home the last 2 nights.  This really helped out with some extra time on my schedule.   Because I worked over, I am able to spend some time with Duke.  The day Bobbys is close too.  He left at 215 and I left at 2:30.  I drove quickly as I could over to the Ranch.  No one was there.  They were working very hard at the new barn. I could hear lots of banging and machinery.  
The only time I saw anyone was when Bobby came over and gave the boarder horses some hay.  I let Duke have alittle.  At one point Duke knew it was time to come with me.  I put on his lead and we went over to the outside ring. I let him graze for a long time. I gave him his apple and then after a little while I gave him the bit and bridle.  He didnt like it today.  I was not placingit on like I usually do.  I had to get the lead line and attache it.
I got his bridle and reins, brought him over to the edge and then climbed on the fence.

Riding Bareback again

He is so patient with me.  He knows that I am uneasy and very unbalanced with no saddle.  As we walked around the ring, I could tell that Duke was thinking he may want to trot with me like I always ask him but he felt that I am not sturdy.
I absolutely love how he takes care of me.  He was a good boy.  I went around 2 times that was enough.  I loved how I can slide off him with no saddle.  Its my favorite thing about riding bareback.  I will continue to ride until I can feel totally comfortable. This weekend I can take a couple of trail rides Saturday.

In The Boarder Herd

I can see that the hierarchy at the boarder barn kinda stinks. I see that there is a new horse that has bridle burns on her face. I gave her some hay because she was getting chased off from the others.
Last week Levi ran right at Duke and I see Sargeant act up alot.  When I came over today, Sargeant came to the gate and I petted him.  It looked like he was keeping Duke from coming over to see me. 
Im hoping that things will be better in the gang and in the eating areas.

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