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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Raychel with Duke today Then Val and I went to Stacies Farm

Riding with Raychel was great.  We were shceudled to ride on the 10am but there were too many kids running around excited for a birthday party.  I thought it may be nice to go on the 11am ride. It will work out so much better.  We had a fun time she played with the cat she loved it.  I got Duke's saddle on and we talked.  she interactied with Duke and Duke liked her.  We went down and got him at the barn even Bob was down at the barn when I brought her down there. She had lots os questions about Duke and we walked him up to the Tack shed.  After he was tacked and we decided to take the11 am ride, I brought Duke over to the outside ring and Raychel got on hm and rode.  I took apart his bit by accident and then I decied when I put it back on him that day, I did it backwards or somehow wrong.  As we were over at the ring and raychel stepped on the 2 step up, I pulled off the bridle and connected the reins to the halter.
It was so nice in the ring as Raychel held the reins connected to the halter and she guided him around the outside ring.  Duke followed every cue she gave him. This would later inspire me to know that Duke was ready to try a bitless bridle.  Wow

Duke lost 1/2 a shoe and  I rode Blue on the ride later.  It was an amazing ride iwth Blue.

It was a nice to ride on Blue again. He was very alert to me. As we were going up the hill for the trail ride, He stopped 2 times and each time I talked to him and gave him a knudge to more on.  I laughed about it and Theresa said he tests eavery rider by stopping at his favorite spots up the hill.  Seh said she tries to trick riders and I found him out right away.  I loved his story.  He was amazing on our walk only ride but  Know he would have been excellent on a trot ride.  He's like a wonderful riding horse.  Love him!

Stacies Farm

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