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Saturday, December 19, 2015

Cold Windy quiet day at the farm

So cold and windy, I was wondering if I should go at all.  Terry was in the ring withMarley she is doing so good with him.  I took a picture but it came out terrible.  
When I went to get Duke Apache tried to sneak out too.  I think he was a little depressed that Laurie was not there.  He was so pouty that I gave him 1/2 of Duke's apple.  He totally appreciated it.
I brushed out Duke and decided not to tack him.  Theresa told me that he was missing his left front shoe.  The wind was so bad that on the trails Theresa said that the horses were stressed about the windy and the sounds.  The barn was boarded up on both ends that made it warmer and less windy somehow.  I spent tons of time brushing him out.  Laurie didn't make it and Kanti and Cathy said they would not be around.  Im  so glad that Terry had such a nice time with Marley.
I worked on his dirty tail, it seemed filthy and also he had lots of dirt on him.  I had a brand new Green Spot Remover that I tried out.  It didn't seem to help condition his fur like the other stuff, Im hoping it helped get the stain out of his tail.
After some intense grooming and brushing I went into the ring also.  I decided that Id ride him bareback so that he only used his bit.  I warmed it under my arm.  It was more comfortable so that I didn't wear a coat only my vest.   In the ring I took plenty of pictures of us.

As we moved around in the ring, Duke was beginning to show me just what kind of a guy he was.  He likes the ring way better now that his authorities has become a problem.  I think he appreciates getting the attention and also when he's feeling better he'll go out on the trails   with me again.  K knowing Val has helped me understand how great a horse relationship can be, her and Tonto have the Greatest I have ever seen.  Im going to do what to be like she is with Tonto.

I was so light with my touch in the ring.  Each time I asked him to move gently in the ring he obliged.  Duke doesn't need reins.  Don't think Id want to use stirrups ether.  Im going to work on our relationship.  I was telling Terry, Id like to have no reins on the trails and say, "Now Duke which way should we go up here, and he would answer, I do not like the mud on the ttrail up here how about if we skip the lake area and go up the hill and avoid it.  I would answer, sounds good but can we go the straight away back to the farm.  Defiantly Jules lets go that way too."

I only leaned on the reins and he moved. Im thinking if I could Id like to ride Duke with no reins and only use my legs.  Id have to learn.  Sheila could teach me and then I could speak "Duke's" English language.  It would be so cool.  People say I am goo with him but he's so smart and good with me  
[I felt bad that Apache had bitten Laurie,  I am pretty sure that I would never have to worry about Duke or if he did feel bad Id have the Vet over to make sure he didn't have a stomach ache or something.]
I bonded with Duke alone, he trotted for me just enough to teach me that Im still not very fast and that he's not quite healed yet.  I hope he'll feel better soon.
Apache was interested in getting out of the fence too, especially after the apple.

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