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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Xmas walk wth my good friend Duke

Missed the Christmas Ride with the ladies,  they went out minutes before me. Bobby and Sandy were talking with Bobby's foster son.  I gave Bobby his card.  I like him very much.  He mentioned that Id get to Dukes Shoes soon but he had a cold and his back was killing him from Domoino last weekend. I went and got Duke right away. I had to go through some very thick deep mud.  My huge boots sunk into the mud deep. My pants got mud on them almost right away.  I had rolled them up so they may keep clean.  It didn't work.
Duke was so dirty.  I brought him in the barn and got his cleaning tools.  He was caked with terrible dirty mud.  His beautiful coat was so dirty all the way to his skin.
I had the new "Senior Snax", that are more nutritious for him and his joints.  He loves them.  I loaded my coat with them. I had to make a plan and see what I could have as a nice experience with Duke in the short amount of time. I didn't need to go on the ride I did not want to go out and have Duke get stressed out because he wants to keep up iwht all of the riders.  I brushed and cleaned him but he did not look any better.  I decided to just get him out of the farm and go on a substantial walk. I have enjoyed the trails with him so much.  Val said today that she and Tonto also go for rides. I learned a lot from Val.  I always say, what would Val do?  And then I end up spending time with Duke.  I have grown so close to him with these walks.  He's learning so much and I am learning too.

I went out on the trails from the back.  Boarder Barn and took the trails to the left.  I took a picture of the stream with the bridge by asking Duke to wait and then I stepped off the trails into the edge of the stream.  I then backed Duke out, because he stepped into the path with me. We walked for a while after the stream down to an intersection taking left if you went right it would loop back into the boarder barn area. I looked for my phone in my pockets that were filled with snap and my phone was nt there. I must have dropped it near the stream a long walk back.
Duke turned around and we walked all the way back looking for my purpose phone I did see it.  We wen tall the way back to the stream and I didn't see it then suddenly I noticed it off the trail near the stream. I was glad we went back.  We turned and started to make up the time we lost be having to back track.
We walked fast and Duke hardly stopped any more, eh knows what the program is for walking on the trails with me. I am hoping it will help hi to understand that we can go out on the trails without other horses and people.
I did stop after every like 1/2 mile and gave him a snax.  It helped, I like how he's doing.
Then we kept going down and crossed over the bridge and got to the rail way trail.  I realized after walking down the rail way path, I realized, I had dropped my phone, possibly when I took the picture.

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