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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Jack Fiona and Brian Virginia, Florida and Colorado Springs

Long quick walk around the lake w/Cathy (2.7miles) 59 degrees and Sun

I was almost glad that I didn't go to the Cape for breakfast and to check out the area to camp with the camper in May.  I was so happy.  I thought Id just check in with Duke give him an apple and then take him a walk about a mile so he didn't get stiff in the legs after our 3+ miles walk yesterday including me riding him then a vigorous walk where I saw him being tired.
I walked up and Apache and Duke, Apache was resting his head on Duke's butt.  Silly boys

These guys are looking for some snacks  :)

Today I knew going at 12noon, I would have missed the morning girls ride.
I was ok with it except I hadn't seen Kanti in so long.  I miss her.
But I had a blast with Cathy and Taboo!

I got the new hoof hardener on Duke finally but I was joined with the surprise of Cathy and Taboo.  Then as we were talking. Doesn't Stacie pull up iwht Michael.  She was in the area and they are looking at a lessons place for Hannah.  Its down the street.  Looks like Stacie and I will get to hang out because she'll be around on Saturdays.  Im so happy.

My muscles are killing me.  Ive been walking the trails and they are so difficult footing for a human that yesterday 1 1/2 miles today 2 1/2+.  I was walking fast to keep up with Taboo Cathy and Duke.  I even trotted a few times with him.  It was so great to get out there around the lake.  The trails around the lake are great, better than yesterday.
My body is so achey because Im walking too fast to keep up with our horses.  The trail footing from was difficult.  The horses wanted to go quickly up big rocky hills and I have my Herman Munster shoes because of the deep ice and deep puddles on the trails.  At one point Duke was so cool he walked in the ice broke through and then stomped the ice through the water.  No Problem.  He was amazing today.  He deserved every carrot and cookie I slipped him.  During the walk on the trails around the lake my phone died so I was not able to take the pics I would have liked.  The frozen lake was so pretty but I didn't ge tone of it.  I guess Ill wait till next time.  Not a big deal.  I was lucky to be with Duke for so long.  :)  Great weekend.
I was so proud of Duke because he was controlling himself so well.  Cathy and I did some drills to see if our horses listened.  He even stayed iwht me while she broek off and trotted. I know he wanted to but he knows he needs to take care of me.  Im so happy.  I depended on him to help me up the hill too.  
Cant said, that usually she said that when the ride passes in the opposite direction, Taboo gets ansy and irritable.  Today she was fine because of Duke.  Well Duke wanted to follow the herd ride  inside his head.  He hesitated with me as I lead him on the lead line and then I looked back and his head was going high and he looked at me in kinda distress then I smiled at him and turned toward Cathy and Taboo.  He quickly understood he isn't working for them anymore.  When he passes Blue they both share a head hug I kinda love that  :)

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Walked and Rode w/Duke, worried that it was too much, tired boy 3+miles

Great Day today on the Barn.  First some quality time at the rail with Duke.  Put his new Blanket on hung out outside.  Did Dukes hoofs with the hardener.  Brushed him out and did her beautiful fur and tail.  He was awfully snack.  ;P.

Then the girls, Laurie ask me to come out on a ride. I was worried that Duke would be too much for him while he's still recovering and getting his strength back from his arthritic attack with his foot.

Well he trotted up the hill while the girls waited. I noticed some conflict with Midnight and Duke. Midnight actually threw his back legs to him.  Duke didn't care.  We went out on the trails and then doubled back. We tried to go dow the straight a way but it was too icy. We went a little. Then doubled back.  The girls went out the straight way and I decided to go all leaves so he could relax.  He trotted a lot to the way back.
we meet the girls an then Duke was actually way ahead.

He did listen when I asked him to go take a left at the Boarder Barn. I have had probs with him before there.  When we got back I decided to take him out on a walk 1.5 walk with me on th ground.  I was hoping to jump on him and ride him back after the big hill but I was very clumsy on the rock with my big huge muck boots with cleats.  They were too "Herman Monster".  After about 15min and 4 different rocks/logs, I decided to call it quits. I was so tired.  My saddle even slipped off onto the ground and I had to re tack to get back to the farm. I walked like 1.5 back around the trails. It was very nice.  Im actually beat.  Duke wore me out.  I think as we walked back to the herd he looked kinda tired and I hoped he wasn't limping.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Laurie - nice pic of Duke/Apache

Missing Duke today but I worked on my responsibilities and also felt that yesterday was an amazing day with Duke.  He looks pretty happy and he's got some grass to chomp on .  Peaceful at the Farm

Saturday, January 23, 2016

23 Cold walk in the woods

Great visit today Duke loved up trots on the trail on his own,
Not as much time with him as I would like.  The barn was closed up so the wind didn't blow everyone away.  Shawnee and Bryce were in the ring.  Blue was tacked and Laurie was with Apache in the Barn.  The boarder horses were eating hay in the lower barn field.  I found Duke eating and pooping.  We went out the back way and I put the tracker on.  I feel he got about a miles worth of walking. My heart was beating fast.  I gave him his apple when we got to the bottom of hills . After his initial confusion (as usual) about going untacked with me walking int he woods, he began to warm up and trot on his own during the good snowy packed snow.  He was so cute.  There was no grass under the snow this time.  I was so happy with him in general.  Everyone else was in the barn.  No one was walking around the land.  We went out the back way as soon as I got him on the lead line.
My cleats make a big difference for me on the icey farm paths.  On some of the trails in the woods we were the first footprints in the snow.  It make me feel so good. I know he loved having his hoofs in the crunch snow.
Duke stole a carrot from Apache as Laurie brought Apache out before returning him.  I ended up giving Apache Duke's apple.  I was mad of Duke for thinking its ok to steal from Apache.
Duke trotted with very little quest when walking back to the fiels.  Also he ran with me to the end of the fence.  I had to give him a piece of carrot.
He was excellent today.  My iPhone shut off or I would have had better pics and a nice map of the trail we took.