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Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 New Years Ride 35 degrees, Michelle Kaylynn, Blue, Domino

Duke was looking pretty good. When I got to the farm it was quiet, I saw lots of activity at the Boarder Barn, Shawnies returning s again.  These days will be so different.
The horses moved to the Boarder barn Im so glad that Apache and Duke can get along well enough with the other horses.

Duke seemed pretty happy to be going out. I got him an apple. I whistled. and he looked. I asked Theresa if there was a ride going out, she mentioned that there was a family out on the trail today. Then she said that Michelle was coming at 2pm.

I saw that Michelle had pulled up.  She was pretty happy to see me and I was her too. I figured that Id  finish getting Duke ready and maybe catch up with them.  They got Domino for Kaylynn and Blue for Michelle, Hershey still needed his winter shoes.
I got Dukes bridle on, I needed to give Duke his snacks before the ride so I wanted him to be able to chew with his teeth and no bit in his way.  Amy and Laurie had gone out on a ride around the Lake, Cathy had said.  Laurie and Laurie had returned from their ride as I was getting ready to get out of there.  Cathy had said that the shoes on Taboo were getting all ice with snow and causing a problem so she came back early on the ride with them eariler, to hang out with her in the ring.  She came over while I was hugging and loving Duke in the barn.  She said something very nice while I was hugging Duke, she said its nice that I had learned early to enjoy Duke. She said that she always was in a hurry to accomplish something overtime she came to the farm.  I was saying that I just enjoyed farting around.  Cathy said that she and Taboo were farting today, farting around.
It was quiet at first and then Kellie, Bryce and a boy came in the barn and it became very busy.  

I finished getting Duke ready. I decided no breast strap for a while and removed it.  Dukes hoofs look so good now that there is no mud on his hoofs only the snow. Keeps the hoofs looking great.
I got Duke at the ramp and saw that they were going up the trail to the woods.
I had to be careful with Duke so that he didn't get stressed out. We are getting him in condition.  I was worried about the trails being too rough for his leg.  I dont want his leg to be stressed or for Duke to be stressed. I was  Imagining that trotting on this drenched, snowy squishy ground didn't look like a good idea.  
I love going out alone with him now. Its like I really don't want to be with anyone.  I understand what Janice was enjoying with Tootsie. She gets there early and goes out. She talks to her horse and loves being alone.   Me too.
 Well He's footing was challenged but later I saw that Domino was also feeling the same way on the trails being snow ice stuck in their hoofs clumping up making it hard to walk.

Well we went along and I spoke to him, letting him know that he didn't need to speak loudly to get caught up.  I love how he talks, he wants to call t the other horses.  At the break away point I could see that in the area he wanted to run up the snowy hill or take some different paths. I decided to see if he was interested in taking the right hand path and enjoy the fresh snow  on his hoofs.  As we went around the corner, a man came out of no where. its strange riding alone in the woods.  I think Id like to get a can of mace or a weapon just in case.  Seems Im bumping into all kinds of people. I do notice that Duke may look menacing. He gives people a look that may make them worry.
 He may even seem threatening. I think he may protect me from any threats by stumping them.  He's Huge.
Anyway we paused to wait for the man to get to a point where he could walk to another path and we could turn down the path we needed to walk.  
He picked up a small trot on the snow.  He also raised his voice to see if he could get a response from Domino or Blue.  I husshed him up and we continued down the strange mud snow water paths over the bridge.  My phone then died and I couldn't get it back.  It was very disappointing because I saw some of the most beautiful images with Domino and Duke.  Also I like to see Theresa and Cassie on the Duchess and Teddy (maybe)  and Kaylynn was on Domino and Michelle was riding Blue.  We did the trails just before the lake, I finally met the girls when they looped back towards the trails to the right of that go to the bridge.  Duke wanted to take a hard right and get to the rail trail quickly.  I made him turn toward where I think the girls were, and I was right Duke needed to turn toward the left and we headed into meet them.  Cassie saw that I was riding alone and she said, Good for you.  She is very encouraging. I had no problems now going to ride with him alone.  I can't wait to now.  I hope that Im not going to get to the point where I want to ride alone with Duke all of the time.
We rode the rail trail and then 1/2 down we went up a trail that i like that brings us back to the deep trail that runs the edge of the rock wall of the farm and then runs the Bobs Trails and then along the high cliff that border that sandy split area.
It was nice and we kept to some higher ground.  When ever riding with Theresa she always mixes it up.  it was a short ride probably 2 miles which works out great for Duke. I also like it because it avoids the very steep cliff just before the end of the usual ride. 
When it gets a little better Id like to go around the lake but not until its better out.

While hading up the steeper hill towards Bobs Trails, Duke was very happy to be riding with Domino. At one point Duke was taking the more snowy trails because he can because he's with me.  Domino was keeping with the trial ride like a good boy. As I came around from the right side of the trail and Domino was walking on the left, Domoino stopped and Duke pulled toward him and the put their necks on each other and did what I would call a long sweet hug.  I couldn't have felt better. Im so happy to see them together again. like before in the old herd.

Bruins were playing this afternoon and Duke and I wore some Bruins garb for celebrating.  Bruins did not win against Canadians

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