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Saturday, January 23, 2016

23 Cold walk in the woods

Great visit today Duke loved up trots on the trail on his own,
Not as much time with him as I would like.  The barn was closed up so the wind didn't blow everyone away.  Shawnee and Bryce were in the ring.  Blue was tacked and Laurie was with Apache in the Barn.  The boarder horses were eating hay in the lower barn field.  I found Duke eating and pooping.  We went out the back way and I put the tracker on.  I feel he got about a miles worth of walking. My heart was beating fast.  I gave him his apple when we got to the bottom of hills . After his initial confusion (as usual) about going untacked with me walking int he woods, he began to warm up and trot on his own during the good snowy packed snow.  He was so cute.  There was no grass under the snow this time.  I was so happy with him in general.  Everyone else was in the barn.  No one was walking around the land.  We went out the back way as soon as I got him on the lead line.
My cleats make a big difference for me on the icey farm paths.  On some of the trails in the woods we were the first footprints in the snow.  It make me feel so good. I know he loved having his hoofs in the crunch snow.
Duke stole a carrot from Apache as Laurie brought Apache out before returning him.  I ended up giving Apache Duke's apple.  I was mad of Duke for thinking its ok to steal from Apache.
Duke trotted with very little quest when walking back to the fiels.  Also he ran with me to the end of the fence.  I had to give him a piece of carrot.
He was excellent today.  My iPhone shut off or I would have had better pics and a nice map of the trail we took.

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