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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Almost 40 icey as heck on the farm Walked with Terry Marley and Duke

Walked with this guy on Saturday.  The barn was so full of people and Cassie was giving a few lessons, then Bryce Kelly everyone was in the barn with their horses. I decided to go get Duke and keep him busy out side in the sun.  I brushed out his tail and he was in a good mood. Bringing him over and just talking to him really makes me happy.  The footing on the farm trails was all hard ice.  I slid a lot.  I saw Terry in between all of the people, (Janice, Amy, Laurie, Cathy Kelly, Bryce, Lexie and Cathy was just getting gin the ring. )  It was too much people all running around.  Too loud. I finally got to the edge of the ring and got Terry attention  I had Duke outside at the rail he was pretty happy but the ice was built up hard.  I had given him his apple when I got him.  He really likes that.  Anyway I took a small walk and Terry said she would like to walk with Marley and not need to go for a ride. I liked my private ride on Saturday but I didn't want to stress out Dukes fetlock.  Terry wanted to come too. We walked over to the Boarder Barn half of it was sheer ice and the other half was walkable.  The horses found many opens holes where green grass was delicious and plentiful.  It make the walking back slow but very enjoyable.  We brought over the supplements to the boarder barn so that Duke can get his meds and get stronger and run with me again. Terry and I went into the boarder horses field and walked around the edges, it was pretty and it was fun too.  Then Terry had to go back.
After Terry left, I went out to the big field with Duke and walked around. He was able to get lots of grass and we really walked a lot.  I loved it but I slipped around.  Duke tried to help me not fall and he also is very good at having me walk ahead of him with the lead line and also he takes turns with me.  Id have to say his manners are excellent.

Duke was so thirsty that he didn't even get my apple for him after he was put back into the herd, instead he went right over to the water.  You can see that he looks pretty thirsty here.

Duke coming over to meet me after I call his name

Duke found lots of grass, in the snow he was pretty happy

Duke grazing in the little spots of grass on the right size of the big field

Yummy grass growing through the snow

Walking along the big field with Duke

The snow gets caught up in Duke's back hoof so he needs to kick it out.  I saw Domino not comfortable with the Ice.

Pretty slippery in the boarder barn field with Marley, Terry Duke and me.

In the big field there was so many Turkey footprints. So cute

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