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Saturday, January 9, 2016

Fun in the field 35 degrees

Got to the ranch and there was a crowd in the barn.  Bobby was in the barn shoeing.  There seemed to be an indoor ride.  Amy had said that the trials were not good and the groups were either not going out or riding in the barn.  I was outside and it wasn't near as bad as it has been over the past few weeks.  I got out of my car first thing and grabbed Duke.  He had his own hay in the field.  He looked happy.  I called him and he barely moved munching away.  Then a cute little horse came up to me right away.  I gave this little sweetheart an apple (small) in my pocket.  She was pretty happy.  Duke finally took a little notice to me doing that and came up.  He looked good.  Im still worried that he's looking a little lame.  He will trot but it seems to hurt him.  I know he's on supplements but Im not sure how often he take them and how much difference it makes.  Should I change the supplements to make them a little bit more effective.  Anyway, the lady who was talking about leasing Domino had gotten it done.  She was there today and was trying to encourage me to go into the ring.  As I was saying the ring looked crazy.  Terry was with Marley and it was very sweet.  Laurie must have gone in the ring for a while and was on her way out of the farm.
I spend some time outside working with Duke looking at his body because of this terrible weather and his new stall time.  How has he changed.  I saw him naw on a piece of wood today.  I wasn't sure what was going on.  Does he do that because he's board in his stall?  Who knows but Im worried aobuthim.
Anyway I ws just going to give him a hoof treatment and then walk around alittle but I was feeling that he's got to keep getting dressed for riding and know that we will continue to do different stuff.
Well I had the new wither snap and Im very happy about it.  I tacked him and he looked great decided to go into the ring.  There was a girl I didn't know and then there was Amy and Terry was possibly getting ready to go home soon.  Amy and Terry switched horses and they seemed very happy.  Amy runs around a lot in the ring.  Terry is a more reserved rider with a lot of form and great posture. I noticed they moved the mounting block and got Duke over there.  Im pretty sure he doesn't like the ring. Other times when we were alone I think he liked it better.
Well Michelle got someone to put the bit in Domino and she came in.  We went around the ring a few times and I noticed that Bob was giving the stink eye to the other lady.  He came out and absolutely yelled at her.  Called her names and said bad things.  He really thinks that its ok to do that.  Bobby had said he wasn't sure about the lease.
Well I went out of the barn, jumped off Duke and headed out to the rail we both were in a better place.  Duke and I rode the big field and it was really great. Way better than the ring.  I would have liked to walk around more than ride in the barn. Im going to try to avoid it.
  In the past I was afraid to go out int he big field,  there with him because I thought he'd run so fast I wouldn't be able to keep up with him.  No problems this day.  He was excellent and listened so good.  Im so proud of this guy and his trying to get better.
I think when he's feeling better we will run down this field and have lots of fun together. I can't wait for his supplements to help make him feel better and want to trot again.
love this guy Ill wait him out.

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