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Sunday, October 30, 2016


Sunday afternoon so quiet with Scotti and Doc

  On Saturday last week I had a lesson with Duke in the arena with Krystyn.  We focused on about 40 minutes of work on the mounting block.  Everytime he moved backward I got off and stopped everything.  They stood with him until he tried it again and then finally 3 times Duke was cooperative.  I was happy that he finally was lisnting.  Before Krystyn got there I had plenty of time alone at the barn. It was so nice.  There was no rest the entire Perry family showed up just after to stay for the night. I could see everyone there. I appreciated all of the time

On Sunday, I didnt take any pictures but it was pretty cool to see. I was working out with Duke in the arena after some work at the mount.  I looked behind me and there was Scotti.  I was alittle bit worried but sthe was very kind.  She said that she had to work at the block plenty of times with her horses.  She watched me as I stepped down several times when he moved.  Then I thought so what Ill keep working on it and then jump on him as soon as I feel he's stayed still, but I wanted to make sure that I got into the arena after my Saturday afternoon lesson last weekend with Krystyn and Duke. I heard Scotti ask me if I would wait a bit so she could tack up Doc and then she wanted to ride in the arena with us.  It wasn't long before she entered in te ring.  She said that she would ride in the inter ring that is the way that she had trained a horse years ago to do pairs work.  She told me lots of storied and it was pretty interesting. She even told the story of how her horse had gotten into trouble at Bobbys.  She mentioned that she wasn't interested in cantering.  She was candid and kind.  She really appreciated that I stayed to ride with her.  I was going home in a bit to make a Lasagna for supper but it worked out just fine.  I rode Duke and then untacked him and let him back into his stall. It was very peaceful and I wondered if I had misjudge her.  Maybe I have. She sold me an expensive red bad for my western saddle.  I was afraid that she might forget I bought it and then say "hey you took my pad".  so I took a pic of her selling it to me, posted it on facebook Ha ha



Saturday, October 22, 2016

Dukes 2nd lesson with me, standing still at the mount

On Thursday I was able to go over to see Duke for just a few minutes and walk him for 2 miles. There were 2 other people at the barn.  One lady was shaving her horse and the other one was working her horse.  She was in the arena and I came in and walked Duke for about 2 miles and then brushed him out good.I had a lesson scheduled for Friday at 5pm, it was the only time that Krystyn could make it.  I am kind of reluctant to go to a lesson with everyone hanging around like they do.  The family that comes takes up lots of time and space at the barn.  When they need to go to an event it is a relief, although they are very nice people I do love the time with Duke when it is peaceful. Also I like to get into the arena alone.  I gave Duke a wetting down at about 345 and it wasn't near dry by the 5 or 530 time so I rescheduled with Krystyn for Saturday at 3pm. 
This I thought would be a busy time at the barn but as I drove over aftser getting all of my food shopping done and I threw everything away as fast as I could and then went off to Greenwood.  Well I am always expecting to see tons of cars on a Saturday at 2pm and sure enough it was completely empty.  I took some pictures to make sure I would remember how it felt before all the craziness is in the barn.
Well I went in and saw the door was closed.  Duke was so happy to see my car that he starting talking ot me out the window of his stall.  It feels pretty good.  I got all of my things together.  Since I washed his fur yesterday it was so puffy and nice.  It felt good to brush it all up.  He liked it too. Yesterday he loved having the toweling massage that I gave him he made so many sweet sounds and really loved it.

So today all we did is to work on his standing still at the mount.  He did good and I gave Krystyn a tip to share my feelings of happiness about how he did.  I did ok.
We worked on our chorses and then I told Krystyn I was happy with him. He hates the arena and was so smooth and running when we went out across the street to stretch his legs and get grass around the farm. I was proud of him and then I went home after walking him a wihle.  It sure was a good lesson.  The perrys were there and they are I guess working to help their money so they are cleaning up and doing the feeding.  Its nice to see them working but it seems like its the mom and dad who do all of the work.  Their father is a very nice guy and  hes was sweeping everything.  All I do is to clean up Dukes poop when I am there that is enough for me. 
I had a nice day with Duke posing him in front of the beautiful foliage.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Walking around the arena almost 2 miles

I was so happy to go visit Duke tonight. He was in his stall.  There was a lady clipping her horse she was not friendly, the woman in the arena was not friendly either.  But it didn't matter, Duke was with me and we were getting our exercise together.  He seems to feel just ok in the arenda with me tonight.  I gave him the apple, walked around the lady who is clipping her horse on cross ties and went into the other door.  I put Duke in the stall and closed the barn doors,  its time again to keep the doors closed. It was cool having them wide open all summer.
I talked to Stacie about Duke and Hannah.  She said that Hannah has been stressed out on her rides lately. I offered up Duke because he likes her a lot. I thin kthat Ill ask if she helps me train him.  Then she might jump on him.  Never know he may be the lesson horse for her.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Today with Krystyn

Great day because Krystyn met us at Greenwood, I tacked up Duke and he passed the test. Krystyn said hes sound and hes good to go for a lesson horse at Green Wood. Im so happy. Krystyn worked iwth him getting him to trot and to walk where she was asking. It was very cool.