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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Oct 1st weekend at Greenwood

Two days straight to see my boy Duke, I didn't even ride.  They were kinda unusual days. I went over in the afternoon on Saturday.  I don't have to rush I can do anytime I want. I was hoping to see no one.  As I was driving she send me a text that she was coming over after she has lunch. I wasn't sure what that meant because I was heading over at like 1:30.  When I got to the barn, Jess was in the arena trying to practice for her competition in dressage.  The people in the arena, Kristen her mom said, that they were rude.  I decided that I didn't need any crazy crap today.
I grabbed Duke and we headed out to the fields.  He was truly happy to see me.  He crossed the road on both Saturday and Sunday in my lead w/o any problems.  I cant wait til we ride across the road.
As we were walk/trot/running in the fiels, I sent a text to Stacie to let her know that some persons were being rude in the arena.  She thought it was crappy of them. She thought that too.  Jess had a competition and we all want her to do good.  Kristen, Jess's mom said that Bonnie knew what the people were working their horse Grace.
It seemed that Duke was very happy to see me as a matter of fact
Well Im totally proud of Duke as he kept to my requests on the trails and walked when I asked and then trotted along side me also.  Well the grass on the other fields near the road is longer and maybe yummier.  We decided to cut into the treeline that separates the fields and go into the woods, scale the stone wall and go over to the other side. Duke's a great listener so we crossed at a spot where he felt was good for him to step over.  Duke let me walk over the wall first then I saw him lift his big hoofs up and over that stone wall.  The grass was long over there and Duke was totally focused on the green grass.  We climbed over and as we started to walk back on the trail toward the crosspath, I saw Grace the black and white horse with the rider all dressed up in riding gear.  They were riding quickly into the big field past the opening.  She took her to the right around the edge riding quickly and then around the right end and at the place where the toilet is way in the woods, she paused with her.  I focused back on my boy Duke.  Duke knew that the other horse was in the field next to us but he didn't seem to care at all.  Well we were trotting along and stopping for grass and all was going nicely for Duke and I.  S
Suddenly I hear the loud thuds of fast paced running big horse. I see that the girl was on Grace and she was heading to the opening in the woods at the cross paths.  As Grace went out of sight in the tree areas, Grace came back into sight, but the girl was not on Grace.  I saw that a rider was down.  I called Bonnie right away.  I went over to the opening of the trees and there was a lady on the ground not getting up and there was another women, that was Graces, owners daughter.
Seems she was letting her friend ride and she was an experienced rider.  She was having problems in the arena getting on Grace, I found it strange that they would want to go out in the fields after we had heard that Grace's owner had also fallen off in the field.
Well I called Bonnie while walking down the field with Duke and she thanked me and headed over to the field very quickly.  I stayed with the ladies until Bonnie and Krystyn got there to help out.
Crossed the rock wall to the other field

 Rock walls all around the fields are so cool.  I took a few pics for my pics.

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