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Sunday, October 9, 2016

Tack sale at Greenwood -Duke assessed for lessons at Greenwood Its ON!

Got the the sale and it was pretty special.  Kristen was so sweet sh ehad so much organized iwth Jess to sell a few tables. Even Scotti brought stuff.  I let her use my table.  We had a good crowd form the barn but only Val came from the outside.  I bought lots os stuff.  There was talk of a beautiufl blanket that would fit Duke.  The Perry's had it, purple. I got ther eand it didnt take long before they wanted me to go get it and try it on that guy.
I got Duke and put him in the stall and then went with Krystyn to get the beautiful purple blanket.  We put it on and then I asked how much Kristen wanted.  They called Kristen and all she wanted was to trade for lessons with Duke.  I was so excited so the rest of the day I will continue later but, Duke is going to be starting his lessons with Krystyn and Kristen tomorow MOnday at 3pm.  Im pretty exicted. In a way hes working to help take care of things.
Today I had Duke assessed by Krystyn in the ring, if he was sound and Krystyn thinks its a good thing, ITs ON.
Sure enough I tacked him up meeting Krystyn at 3pm in the pouring rain and asked her to ride him.  She got her helmut and went out iwth him.  He playied that horriblg game of moving back and forth while trying to mount.  Krystyn said use the corner so he will not have the space to fool around.
Ill post the pics and video tomorrow but he did good and even I rode in the arena today.
It was nice

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