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Sunday, October 9, 2016

Thursday I visited Duke and he was walking in the arena wiht the other English riding horses

I pulled up to the barn Thursday night and there was closed doors and one lady in the ring with her horse I looked and there was actually 2, I took the big guy into the arena and we talked together he walked a few times around with them. it was interesting. I waited for one of the ladies to get back to he rstall and untackk  The lady in the ring iwht me was working with the trainers horses Jolie and also the sweet one next to Duke that he was grumpy with.  I figured it was Dukes birthday because it was 6 years ago that day that Bobby bought Duke and brought him to Bobbys.
Ill put in the pictures later.
As I stayed with Duke in the stall after and I went out to the car and got a beer while he ate his apples.  the women accidently turned off the lights on me she felt bad but it was pleasant to sit iwth Duke on the steps for getting on him and just relax and have a beer. It wa cool I took him out after his walk I took him out of the arena at teh door near the paddocks.  We went out and had lots of grass.  He ate and ate so much that the horses could see him in the dark muching loudly so they kicked the walls in the barn.
It was a great night, I went home queilty alone in the car saying goodbye to my big guy.

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