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Saturday, January 21, 2017

55 degrees short ride in the field

The sun was shining and I drove down the Greenwood road with my window open. I could see the the horses all out.  They were covered with mud and had their coats on. It was funny to see Duke smoochin with the horse next door.  The reflection of him in the huge puddle on the other side of the paddock was very pretty but yucky.  As I walked into the paddock Duke came over pretty quick. He was excited to get out.  I had a peppermint out.   As a whole it was a great visit but Duke was not as cooperative in the field or in the arena mounting as I would have liked.
I have to keep him in check by when walking keeping his lead line taut.  Hes pretty good boy but loves his grass grazing.  I took him into his stall and brushed him out good. He was really munching down the hay.  Its easy to tack up now days. I used to hate it but now I don't go on insane long rides its quicker. Maybe Im just better at it. I love to brush him out. 

Stacie was getting ready to take Townes out. She said he wsas so excited he was practically tacking himself.
She headed out and I put lots of time into getting Duke feeling clean and beautiful. It as nice to get him ready. I tack himin his stall.  I had him ready then I put in the supplements into the feeding areas box marked Duke.  Then I took Duke into the arena. When I got there the old man who owns Spicey was riding hard in the arena. He was riding so quickly and so smooth that I thought it was Gaelen's owner but it was the old timer.  Pretty cool he was asking if he should put the horse back in the paddock, what time the horses get brought in.  He put Spice back out. :)
It was very wet in the fields and they had a fire smoldering behind the heavy equipment.
Duke seemed to take forever to relax and let me get on him. I moved him so many times. I guess that I finally got on him and out the side door we went.  Duke moved along good around the barn. His friends watch him carefully as he moves toward the front and around to the side.
Dirty Johnny blanket boy
We walked around the front and then we went into the field. I was happy to be out again.  Duke ventured out good, we likes to look into the woods and gets himself all worried about looking into the woods. I know he wants to go into the woods.  We ended up just doing the first field and when I went over to the end of the field past the boat.  Duke did good until time to go into the next field. He worked on the backing up and trie dot make me go back by way of the road. I was not happy with him. I made him go back the way we came into the first field. The only problem we went back and I dropped a peppermint I was tyring to give him and we couldn't get it back.

 I was disappointed and boy was Duke. We went back to the barn and Kristen was with Jess and Fred working on the feedings. I had to get Jess to open the back door so I could get back in, she did. 

I rode a little bit with Duke in the arena then I jumped off. I took his bridle, saddle and pad off quickly and we went back to the stall to have some delicious snack. It was great. I cleaned up his poop and gave him hoof snax and carrots. It was a great day. On the way back, Stacie took some excellent pics of Duke and I. I felt pretty lucky.  Patti and her daughter was there tacking up Sienna.  Jess put Safari into the arena and got him running around and playing like crazy, I really liked it.  He loves her. its nice. I packed up and got into the car around 330 and the mud in the parking lot was thick and deep. It was nice day even thought it was so wet deep with mud water slush.

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