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Monday, January 30, 2017

Small ride in the field - Sunday

Hawk in the arena Danielle helped me mount Duke got his wormer :) good boy
When I got to the barn it was quiet and  calm. I got Duke from the paddock. I feel bad that I cant take Doc out too. The joisting horse and his owner were riding.  I went into the stall with Duke and went over Duke's coat with some cleaner.   I also tacked him with the cross ties.  It was deliscous, he loved it taste like green apples. :)

Im hoping that Scotti is feeling better soon.  After my funny Saturday I was hoping that Sunday I could take care of Duke and tack him up, and jump on.  There was a hawk in the arena so I know I would be getting on outside. A girl came in with her boyfriend dressed in serious English gear.  I let her know that there was a hawk. 

Close to the end of the day Sunday first Danielle showed up.  It was nice to see her. She brings a little dog that gets all over the place. I asked her to help me mount. I had been out on the front of the barn for like 15 min.  Duke is really doing crappy. I think we are getting worse.  Anyway she helped me out. 

I jumped up and we went out.  Duke did the backing up thing when we first go out.  Then he starts to go sideways.  With all of our mounting issues, I think that next week I will bring the leather larger saddle and see if it makes a difference. 

Well the walk was wonderful. I didn't spend time in the arena. We did a nice walk and then when I got back I was really happy.  He didn't want to cross the street.  I wanted to finish the walk and then go through the woods.  I hope we'll be doing that soon.

I loved returning to the barn while everyone is back in the back of the  barn.

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