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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Sunday after the snowstorm

When I got to the barn, Scotti was just getting out. It was bitter cold, about 18 degrees is the high. It was nice to see her and to talk. She gave me the nicest comment about the thank you card I left for her for the amazing ornament she made. I really appreciated it.  We spot a little bit in front.  After a while she left for to get her husband.  I went into the barn and realized it was very cold but we needed to do some exercise.  I had some mints and a new bag of hoof snax.  All of the horses were all put up for the day.  Bonnie said that they had gotten out for alittle while. I took Duke out and we went for a walk.  First we walked up to the paddocks and checked them out.  It didn't look like any of the paddocks had had any horses in them during the day.  Bonnie and Krystyn were finishing up their chores and left pretty quickly.  Lily and Babe were still outside.  I really wanted to put Duke in the Outside ring but when I asked Bonnie she coldly told me "not with Babe".  I really didn't know that they were actually putting in the horses for the night.  I up the paddocks, and Duke dug into the 5" of snow and actually dug out the grass in the snow.

It was really fun trying to keep him together.   He moved on to each area that he could find a piece of grass.  The plow made some nice digs into the ground and exposed some grasses.
I took him into the outside ring because Babe was in the barn so Duke and I walked around.  He was so fresh actually I think.  He wasn't exactly a good listener.I didn't really make him do anything except walk around a bit. I had his blanket on and I learned that he would have rolled and jumped around but the blanket makes him not stretch around as much. So I got him a little bit of exercise then I went into the arena and walked him. We did only about 1 1/2 that day.  He was funny. I wanted to see him run around so I got the whip thing.  He jumped around alittle bit but we were kinda  limted. I know that I had to go home clean up and get ready for dinner for Raychel's birthday so I put his blanket back on in the stall.  Brushed him a little bit and then gave him a bunch of hoof snax. He was pretty happy and he was settled for the night.

I was there during the afternoon, I was going to stay for about 2 hours. I could have ridden in the ring bareback. I was alone for a long time until Kathryn and her children showed up to do the night feeding.

I Love this picture of Duke

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