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Saturday, February 25, 2017

70 degrees, Duke was shedding so much, Safari and Jess joined us

So busy at the barn.  When I got there it was muddy as hell so I parked in front of Fred's truck against the hay barn.  Fred was working around the front of the barn and KristenP was coming out of the office. It was really warm.  70 degrees.  Crazy beautiful.  I looked out at the field and it was partly snow and mostly grass.  It makes me feel so good. I went over and talked to Safari and Jess.  Safari's eye is still gray and he was so cute in the ties.  I was happy to see her and Kristen.  I was beautiful to go get Duke from the paddock.  There was a lady yelling in the arena she was giving someone who leases Manny a lesson.  Manny is blind but hes a pro in the arena. The lady or girl who was riding him was happy to be workin ghim.  The lady teacher was just too loud.  I went and got Duke and put him on the cross ties.  Brushing him out was amazing.  He was so hairy.  The fur was coming out like crazy.  When I got Duke from the paddock he looked great.  He was not dirty at all like the other horses.  Doc was trying to keep him from the gate.  I had to tell him to back off.  He hates Doc.  Its too bad that they have to room together. 
Brushing out Duke was fun.  Tons of hair. I worked on him for a long time.  I had brought my knew bareback pad for him.  The arena was just too busy.  I wasn't even going to ride but the field looked good.  So, I asked Fred to grab him so I could jump up.  I absolutely hate that hes always moving while Im trying to get on.  Fred grabbed his reins and I jumped on.  We went out to the field quick.  Duke was careful on his footing but it seems like he likes that first field the best.  I don't think Ill take him over to the trailer ever again. I hate that path.

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It was so nice to go into the arena with Duke again through the side door and walk around a little bit alone.  Scotti came in but I only walked for a minute and then I took that guy out to the middle to stand, which he did perfectly and then I slide off him, got his bit off and walked him by Safari, into his stall.  Such a good boy. I took his saddle off and gave him some cookies, apples while he munched on his hay.  Kristen said that the horses were coming in and he would be good for the night.  He was happy. I gave everyone around Duke cookies. I like Misty so she gets lots now.  She even yells at me know. So cute. I love her.  It was the best day, who knew it would be so fun.  Next time I want to go out into the trails.  I hope so.
Oh maybe next time it will be quiet and I can jump on him bareback in the arena again.  :)

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