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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sunday Sunny Day 58 degrees

What a nice visit. I felt so good about yesterday's visit all I wanted to do was to walk in the snow with Duke. He was truly happy to see me. I took him out and we didn't do any saddle taking. It was about 58 degrees.  So beautiful. Still cant find my coat. I guess that Bonnie and Krystyn had seen it but I must have left it at the corner.It had my bill frm Dave in the pocket.  Anyway, When I got to the barn that lady Christie was working with Johnny. I was happy to go into Duke's stall and he had some hay.  I walked out with my new boots and cleats and walked into Lake Greenwood over to Duke. He looked as though he was sleeping when I pulled up. It was beautiful today.
Don't need to actually ride him although I need to ride bareback more so I got a new pad, no stirrups because they give a false sense of security.  Anyway I got Duke and we went directly out into the deep snowy field.  HE seemed very excited about it. He kept his pace and I could barely keep up with him As I was walking in the field I could see Fred.pull up in his red truck. I was already out in the field. Duke was so excited to walk with me. He stopped and put his nose in the snow and started to roll some as he walked. I had never seen him do that in the soft snow.  He walked along and when I felt like he had done a great job, I gave him his peppermint. He really appreciated it. We walked along in the reallyh deep snow. I was so proud of how he listned. I let him run a little bit and he was so happy. He listned to me on the lead line today. IT was much better. Made me have so much more confindance in him and with him.  We went over at the end of Bonnie house, and the boat still makes Duke uncomfortable. There was grass tall and crunchy at the base of the boat. I thought for sure he would nose over to the edge and snack but he sort of gave me a sign that he didn't feel comfortable close to it yet.  I tried my best to move fast but the snow was so deep. Duke was very patient with my slow ness. All together we walked about 1 mile and a half plus the deep snow kept me busy.

Safari was in with Jess getting tacked up. I could see his eye. Its amazing looking. Like white. Im praying that hes going to be ok. The is limited in his sight but I could tell that he was feeling a little bit caustious. I walked by him and he was kinda nippy. Then I realized he maybe could see me. Poor baby. I talked to Scotti only a little bit. Shes kinda in her own world. Its good, shes happy about Doc and that's good.  When I left Mike was there with Hannah Stacey had just got in and Kristen, Krystyn Bonnie Fred Jess.  I put Duke back out and gave out tons of Peppermints. Actually while I was just hanging out in Duke and Doc's paddock, all of those people arrived and started a tea party. Id like to spend more time just hanging out with that guy.  Hes got a strange crack on his hoof. I will take a pic of it soon.  Class starts tomorrow so I will  be limited again.
Anyway we went into the stall and I did his brushing.

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