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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Foss Farm Carlisle show today

I was feeling much better than yesterday.  My back hurt so much that I had to only visit Duke yesterday. Also they were getting the horses ready for the horse show at Foss Farm. It was pretty cool seeing all of the fuss. I figured today I would take advantage of the group being at the horse show to have Duke go out with me and we can walk a bit.  When The grounds have been limed and we cant ride on the fields until it rains. But that will be soon.

At the Barn after Foss Farm

Duke and I in the outdoor arena after the show.  Both Lauren and I brought in the horses right after the show because of the pouring rain.  I hadn't brought in the horses before, I brought in Jolie, Muk and a small horse I thought was Manny.  I was nervous bringing them in, I imagined that they would rear up and stomp me, like Duke used to do when the stupid dog bothered him.

Foss Farm

As Hannah finished someone behind me said that the rain was coming and it was pouring over the other side of town.  As soon as the show was over, Hannah was overwhelmed with emotion and Bonnie said that she had a meltdown. Im sure she just cried.  During her session she looked as cool as a cucumber, ,stone faced as she did everything she was asked by the judge.

Friday, April 28, 2017

visited Duke on Tuesday night

Been raining so much I worry about Duke being in for so many nights. It must be terrible. I think its why he's been swollen, hes never had this type of life.  If it is misty the horses stay in for days. That boy was out in the rain all the time just loving it.  Well I got there and no one was around it was perfect. I went after supper around 7pm. I loved parking in front of his window and thinking he could sese me.  The mounting block was against the door. I don't like that it makes it too hard to go in. I went in at the office and turned on the lights. I thought I  may ride bareback but it was more like a walking and goofing off night. I did put his bit in. I really don't like a bit unless we are outside. note to self that I want to just connect to the halter next time inside.  Anyway I had a lot of fun and also failed on getting on bareback.  My leg is still too sore. I have some pics.  Enzo's mom Lauren came too.  She pocked her head in as I was giving up on getting on Duke.  She very positive and she might be my favorite person at the barn.  Well I do enjoy Kristen Perry too including Fred and Jess.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Conditioning Dukes Coat ❤️

It was a nice day today with Duke.  He was out with Doc or Dusty. It was a beautiful day.  Sunny I was able to take my long sleeves off and wear a Tshirt and also was able to give Duke a bath.  I still feel so weak that I cant ride.  When I got to the barn, there was someone out riding I think Manny.  I was alone all alone. I went into the arena and it was clean and empty.  The back doors were open.  All doors open front and back.  All the horses were out in the paddocks.  I got Duke's brushes and took Duke out of the paddock and let him walk around and graze while I brushed him out on the lead line.  I was there for a long time for just a spa day.  I brought some of the coat polish along with the Showsheen.  He was muddy in the paddock, dry mud so it came off quickly with the curry comb.  Doc wanted to come out too but I told him no.  I gave them some mints. 
I think that I had to be careful because of my walking. All together we walked about 1 mile and a half just doing stuff around the barn.  His genitals are still swollen. It makes me worry about him. I think I will need to go visit him this week and make him ride.  Maybe after work could work out.
After a while, Patti showed up and got out Sienna, Jess, and Kristin were working with Safari and then Stacie came with Hannah.  Hannah has been working at the barn as one of the barn help. Shes getting so grown up.  Stace said she was bringing in the horses tonight. I wa sgoing to bring Duke in but hafter the shower and all of the cleaning for the fur and the brushing it would be best if he could dry off in the sun.
When I left he was as happy as can be, so happy for Duke today.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Just stoppin by to get Duke out

Its my birthday but Im not feeling up to myself. Still resting my legs so I didn't go over to ride with Duke.  Its been some rain so I was worried that they didn't get out.  I was right they didn't get out. I took Duke, got him outside into the Girls Paddock and let him go.  He did stuff I have never seen, He went up on his back legs and reared all the way. First time I have ever seen it.  He jumped around and double barrek kicked as he ran around and the also just was sweet and ran around while I tried to curry comb him out.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Went over Wednesday night to help Duke out

After Krystyn said that she was worried about Duke's sheath because there were lots of lumps in his area when she did the sheath cleaning.  I had told Bonnie that Duke was swollen and she suggested that Krystyn give a look and also clean it.  Bonnie told me that Kerrie the new Vet would be by Wednesday for the barn shots and she could give a look.  Vet was coming at 10am and Bonnie gave me the "ok" text about 11:30am.  She said that Duke has Melanoma and that many grey horses get that, he has skin tags on his junk.  The vet suggested that Duke get some working in to help his swelling go down. 
Im still on medsd and limping around but I know that if I could get the saddle on and jump on his we could get at least 1/2 mile on him.  It was crazy tacking him.
When I got to the barn it was like abandon.  No one in sight.  I was so happy. I went in through the office and turned on the lights for aisles

, arena and went through the tack room. and went to get Duke. He was so happy. I grabbed him and brought him out to the arena.  I tacked him in the arena he walked around a lot while I was brushing him out and tacking. I used the snacks in the mouth method and up I got on him. Its been working out great lately.
We rode around a lot and he let me know he likes to cross the center in an X instead of the circles and circles.  I was so proud when we got to the .50 
Good boy Duke