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Friday, April 28, 2017

visited Duke on Tuesday night

Been raining so much I worry about Duke being in for so many nights. It must be terrible. I think its why he's been swollen, hes never had this type of life.  If it is misty the horses stay in for days. That boy was out in the rain all the time just loving it.  Well I got there and no one was around it was perfect. I went after supper around 7pm. I loved parking in front of his window and thinking he could sese me.  The mounting block was against the door. I don't like that it makes it too hard to go in. I went in at the office and turned on the lights. I thought I  may ride bareback but it was more like a walking and goofing off night. I did put his bit in. I really don't like a bit unless we are outside. note to self that I want to just connect to the halter next time inside.  Anyway I had a lot of fun and also failed on getting on bareback.  My leg is still too sore. I have some pics.  Enzo's mom Lauren came too.  She pocked her head in as I was giving up on getting on Duke.  She very positive and she might be my favorite person at the barn.  Well I do enjoy Kristen Perry too including Fred and Jess.

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