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Monday, January 29, 2018

Great blanket Fresh mounting

50 degrees again and I just came from Horsemans Exchange with his new fancy fleece blanket
He was good until he was tacked up and we were ready for a field ride. He stepped away from

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Late on Saturday about 3:30 or so going to the barn. The Perrys were there and I got out my 48 year old Port.  I had the cups and a special box.  They dropped everything for a cup and to cheer on my graduation.  They love port.  <3  Its pretty cool.

They said that Duke hadn't gone out because of some paddock issues.  Neither did Muke or Dusty and a few others.  I know that's not good for Duke.  I want to know if he doesn't go out because I can go get him out.  Anyway there he was in his stall making lots of noise because I wasn't paying enough attention to you.   Anyway Jess was in the stall someplace and I took Duke out to the field behind the hay barn.  There were 4 wheelers in the field and I hate that but I'm not going to keep Duke inside. I don't want to be near the field away from the barn.  I walked him down the road a bit and then turned around, we grazed.

We then went into the outside ring and played too.  It was fun I got some video. I had my cleats on and there was not much ice only on the bottom of the puddles.  I enjoyed him very much. Today it was pretty warm but the wind make it seem a little bit colder.  I had my pink sweatshirt and my green Carhart vest.  It worked out good.  I had a bag of cut up apples that I was using to share with the rest of the guys at the barn stalls and also to spoil Duke too.
Here is a link to the video of Duke running around the outside paddock.  He was pretty fun.  Then we went into the arena and walked about a 1mile.  While he was in the arena Jess was pacing around the arena with Safari he looked good. I was working with Duke in the stall and also visiting the little Goats. 

They are so cute, the three little ones its hard to get them the snack when the 2 larger ones are pushing you all over the place and you worry about the small ones not gettins snacks or getting pushed around.  Anyway it was good I had them cut up because I had enough for all of them to get 2 pieces each.
When I was with the goats I looked up and Kristen was on Safari riding around.  It was so nice to see Jess helping her Mom with Safari.


Before leaving I got him all brushed up earlier in the field but I had to wait til we were in the stall to do his tail.  It was a mess, he needed to get it clean.  When we were in the arena and Safari and Kristen were watching, he rolled to their delight.  He made everyone so excited with his funny voice and breathing and then his giant bump to the ground.  Hes a really funny guy, just love him  <3  xo

Saturday, January 20, 2018

50 degrees only a sweatshirt in the field

I never thought Id have a horse, I never thought a horse would have me.

So trusting, waiting for me at the barn, he knows I love him and I am his person.  So sweet seeing that guy, hes was sweet just hanging out with Muck his next door neighbor touching noses.  I parked next to the first barn, the hay barn, then went to stall and left the camera and the Showsheen. Came out to the paddock with a brush and comb.  I opend the gate and went in. Before I opened it Doc was pushed up against the gate.  He really wanted to get out today too.  Muck and Duke were loving each other.

 It was so fun to brush him out while in the paddock, it helps me to be outside with him rather than be in the barn.  I like to see all of the horses while they are relaxing together outside. I was brushing out Duke and his coat is so beautiful and thick.  Hes such a strong boy now adays.  I love how strong he looks.
As I was brushing him out there the coolest thing happened, he snuck me over to the gate and he began to tug at the lead line and then he looked over at me while he had it in his mouth.  He was acting like Mr Ed, telling me that he was finished with me brushing him and he wanted to get out of the paddock and go with me. I almost feel like he was getting excited to go for a ride.  He might be starting to enjoy it more. I lead him to the barn, on the way, he stole a bit of grass outside the gate.  The snow was still about 5 inces here and there.  Also there was ice in some places I'm still wearing my cleats to make sure that I don't fall.  I actually wear them on horseback too.  I was thinking that it may not be an ok idea because the cleat might get caught on the stirrup.  So far so good.  Anyway we got all tacked up, gave him his dewormer for Jan Feb. 
Gave Duke his dewormer for this Jan/Feb 2018

I walked him 3 times in the arena. I know that Ineed to have a something to keep him occupied while I mount.  I have noticed that he listens to me much more. I asked him to move to the left a bit while positioning him at the mount, he actually stepped sideways.  I had a bag of apple pieces cut up old ones and some of the green apples.  I jumped on quickly quicker than I had in awile.  We went around 2 times or so.  Then out the back door, it was open so all of his friends can see him walk proudly with me out to the front of the barn.  We walked I was strict on him not to let him graze at all. He was sort of depressed about that, ha ha.  We walked down the dirt road, around the hay barn and on the edge of the grass/snow of the road. I was alone at the barn, the way I like it best.  We walked to Bonnies house then on the snow areas.  There was a spot that was not good.  Too Deep, at the ruts of the field, it  had a ice crust and it was hard for him to pull his legs out.  I felt terrible all I could think of was that Winston had broken his leg somehow this winter and died.  How terrible it was.  With Duke I have to make sure that I don't do anything crazy.   As Bonnie said we need to take care of him and his hoofs.   Well I decied that if the snow was a problem or making his hoofs feel bad I would just walk across the field and that's what we did.  I walked back across the field in the big part too.  Then we went along again around the hay barn and down the field road edge.  The whole time I was giving him the apple pieces every few 1000 yards.  I think its healthy.  Well we turned at the edge near the property at Bonnies house.  Then we enjoyed our walk back and then around the barn.  I jumped off and the sweet girl that takes care of thme was taking in the horses. I asked her if was taking in the hores so I brouhd him in the back way.  The lady that owns Thistle was there and she said she was 32 years old. I was impressed she asked if I wanted to go out with her, I let her know that I was back from a ride and I was getting ready to leave.  She was tacking up she seems like a nice lady.

Thistle and her owner

I got him out and tacked him up.  I was talking to him the whole time.  Tacking him up was an easy he brushed out so nice.  I got his saddle and it had been covered up with the cover and it was neatly put away.  I had Duke on the hooks and he was so cute I could tell he was really excited about getting tacked up.

The tack up was easy and we went out into the arena to get on. I warmed him up.  Little Duke was with Liz earlier when I got there.  She said that Bonnie had fell earlier this week maybe Thursday and broke her hip.  She had to have a pin put in it.  The little horse help that does all of the work said that when she came into work, the ambulances were there and they were over by the end.  She left soon after I got there  and put little Duke back in the paddock while I was out with big Duke.  The horses made lots of sounds together.  

Saturday, January 13, 2018

First Time 2018 Ride 30s

I'm thinking I want to go to the Barn earlier on Saturdays.  I got over there around 11am.  Bonnie, Krystyn, Her boyfriend Reggie, her brother too. They were working hard cleaning out the stalls.  I was happy to see them. I changed out my shoes for the cleats/muck boots.  I went in for a while and talked to Krystyn finding out how things were going over the past few days.  This Blizzard is a good thing to have gone. I hated the dangerous snow.  As I came across the fields on the road, they were beautiful green with some snow on the very edges especially that corner that Duke and I love to walk to.  I asked if Duke was doing good, not naughty and how Townes was doing.  Bonnie said, Townes is fine, a puncture wound.  Townes and Sienna were in their stalls .I noticed the goats were gone, Krystyn said they were back at the house.  It makes sense now that its warmer, but its not going to last.  As I was driving over the temp went from 53 at 10am to in the low thirties and then dipped down more. I was cold outside in the sun.
As I went over to get Duke, he was over in his paddock with doc.  Hes really looking beautiful today.  Great coat, great hoofs, bright eyes, spunky and sweet.  He sort of hugged me a bit as he was clearning the gate. I noticed that Doc seemed avlittle bit more respectful to Duke today.  I ended up giving him a snack.
I brushed out that guy and he just shone.  Beautiful and sweet.  I know his tail has had some chunks taken out of it but hes still great.  He was so good about picking up his hoofs. I am proud of him.  Hes alittle bit fresh from the last few weeks inside and the terrible weather. This week has turned it all around.  Anyway I had such a wonderful time brushing him out.  Hes a dream.  He was the greatest with his hoof cleaning.  Then I brushed his face and he slowly began to relax and almost fall asleep.  It was so fun.  I then got him all ready except for my helmet and reins. brought him into the stall and worked on the new bridle.  He just cant fit in it.  He needs a new hole put in the bridle.  Krystyn helped me put it on, I was actually putting on the bridle and bit and it was off in side. I had to place his bridle on 3 times. Today I was actually putting on the bridle in front of Krystyn. I thought she would tell me IM doing it wrong.  She didn't. I think I might be getting a bit better at it.

Anyway Saddle on, Old black bridle on ready to go, in the arena the back door was open and I walked him for 2+ times around the arena and then out the back door.  He had a good pace and we went out to the side of the barn and out to the snow corner.  As we went out we were coming up to quite a bit of exposed long delicious grass.  Duke was funny crazy I had to get after him abit. I decided that it may have been too snowy icy and I would turn around in a bit.  Well we got to the end and he turned in a circle one way, dug on the ground with this hoof and then went in a circle the other way and dug again and then I saw his knee bend and I realized he was about to think he could roll with me on his back. I yelled at him and got after him he tried to do it again. It was totally entertaining. I was sort of excited but then mad at him. We walked back.
 Bonnie yelled at Duke to "stay on the edge".  Shes funny, I went back over to the edge.  We rode back to the barn, behind the hay storage areas near the tractors and then up the roadway. Duke was good a little bit choppy.  Then we turned around the other side of the road and he was trotting back with pride. It was fun.  I brought himinto the arena we walked around 3 times and then I took off his saddle. We saw Jess in there she didn't bring a coat and was wearing Safaris blanket.  pretty cute. I had a great ride, short and sweet.
I stayed, took off his bit, reins, saddle and gently brushed him out on the other side. It was nice I could bring him back to the paddock and then let him play in the sunny day again.  I put the rest of the sliced apples into his bucket. Hes going to get a surprise when hes back in his stall and there is sliced apples in the bucket.  :)

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Frozen late afternoon stretch

This is the view as I was changing back into my shoes w/o cleats.  So cold about 10 degrees.

 Went over to the barn about 330, it was a good time to go, took down the tree and put away more xmas things into the attic, not done yet.  When I got there again, I was alone.  The office seemed to be on, when I went in the nice girl that I forget her name so many times. She so sweet.  Her boots look alot warmer since the last time I saw her.  She was making up the oats for the kids.  I got Duke out and brought him into the arena.  He was a little bit fresh.  we walked around a little bit then I took off his purple coat.  Hes so cute when hes a stinker. He might be acting up a bit on me. I might have to crack the whip on him.  He actually goes over to the step now to see if I want to ride. Im thinking Im imagining that today and yesterday.  Anyway he's happy to walk and I think Ill be changings things a bit. No rewards for walking.  Alicia made his food first so he could eat first. I thought it was very nice of her.  I got his dish and he had his supper in the arena.  As he ate I had his coat off, and I was brushing him.  It was a great feeling. She said that its a good thing that I was brushing him because several of the horses have hives. I was thinking that Duke must be sick  of the purple coat.  His coat is amazing, so thick and beautiful.  Hes a gorgeous horse.  He was playing Well we walked approx a mile and as I was coming around I could see that Patti was at Siennas stall.  As we walked he knew that I had a bag of apple slices and he was coming around fast playing a game with me of fresh horses.  I was hoping to get the miles or at least have Duke stretch.  He was great, I brought him back into his stall and then Seinna went out to walk with Patti.  She was going to take off Seinnas blanket too but the static was too sharp and hurt her.  She has a fleece and then a cover blanket, 2 blankets.  I felt so bad for her.

I love the view in the distance sky dusk as I was looking across the empty paddocks.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

8 degrees, Inside walking FUN


Text Bonnie to make sure that the barn was ok today if the doors were open, water and if I could park on the ice (was it cleared after the blizzard on Thurday.  She said it was cold. I said I wanted to bring Duke outside and wanted to use the slider door.  She said that the wind chill was just too much.  When I got hteir I left the car running. It was cold. I was afraid she was right, the wind was whipping off the fields and snow came rushing over to me.  I put on the last layer of clothes, extra hat and then I went in. I took pics of the empty paddocks.  It was kinda sad. I could see that Duke through the cold ice window, he was talking ot me. Bonnie said to keep the doors closed as much as possible and ocme through the office. I good with whatever she wants, shes in charge.
So I went in and came around. All of the horses have coats and they were kicking around like crazy.  I went in on the other side and then came into Duke's side.
I walked down and Duke was mumbling horse talk a lot.  It was pretty cute.  I got his cut up green apples and cut up carrots.  The goats were there and they looked much warmer.  They are cute as a button.
It was obvious that Duke was so happy to see me. I opened his stall and we started to get ready to go into the arena for our 1+ mile walk.  Duke saw I got the lead line and when I held the halter, he put his head down so nicely.  Its the sweetest thing he does.  We came out of the stall and into the arena.  I had to put up the guards up, one of the wood boards 2'x4's were broken so they are using a cloth barrier.  Its working. Duke and I were walking and he was very nice. The firs thing he did was roll in the arena. It made me very happy.  Then we did our walk and some running and he did some kicking up.  It makes me feel wonderful when he runs around crazy.  I was alone with my horse today for a while until Jess and Kristen came. They were doin the feedings tonight.  I had snacks for all of the horses on our side. Apple slices and carrots cut up.
Well we did our exercises and I talked to Jess for a while. She caught me up on how Safari was doing.  He's doing pretty good shes a nice lady and has such a love for him I love it.
I was there for about 1 1/2 hours or so.  My car was nice and warm and then I went and got my gas, changed my boots and picked up some food from Mangia Mangia.  I was pretty coold its taking a while to warm up. 



Monday, January 1, 2018

Jan 1 2018 full moon rising 6 degrees

Went over late 3pm

No one was there then Kristin McMahon came in to the office As I was puttin the pills in for Duke.
I had cut up carrots 🥕 I got outquicly doirshwqavy Kristin said we're fraze last nite window was left open in bathroom
I walked Duke out to back paddock behind the barn.
We walked around the back paddock on the edge and as we got to the edge and walked to the back there was suddenly a swish of a bush and branch and Duke and I swung around to see 2 jumping deer run out the back way into the deeper woods and up the snowy hill in the woods ðŸ¦Œ.  Duke's face lit up
He was so happy with me that I got him out of the stall and walked around him outside.  I loved his face.

He puts his head down to help me w his halter.
We walked in the snow up toad got grass behind the hay baby and romped in outdoor laddics water buckets in barn frozen
Goats vitr and doin great