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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Late on Saturday about 3:30 or so going to the barn. The Perrys were there and I got out my 48 year old Port.  I had the cups and a special box.  They dropped everything for a cup and to cheer on my graduation.  They love port.  <3  Its pretty cool.

They said that Duke hadn't gone out because of some paddock issues.  Neither did Muke or Dusty and a few others.  I know that's not good for Duke.  I want to know if he doesn't go out because I can go get him out.  Anyway there he was in his stall making lots of noise because I wasn't paying enough attention to you.   Anyway Jess was in the stall someplace and I took Duke out to the field behind the hay barn.  There were 4 wheelers in the field and I hate that but I'm not going to keep Duke inside. I don't want to be near the field away from the barn.  I walked him down the road a bit and then turned around, we grazed.

We then went into the outside ring and played too.  It was fun I got some video. I had my cleats on and there was not much ice only on the bottom of the puddles.  I enjoyed him very much. Today it was pretty warm but the wind make it seem a little bit colder.  I had my pink sweatshirt and my green Carhart vest.  It worked out good.  I had a bag of cut up apples that I was using to share with the rest of the guys at the barn stalls and also to spoil Duke too.
Here is a link to the video of Duke running around the outside paddock.  He was pretty fun.  Then we went into the arena and walked about a 1mile.  While he was in the arena Jess was pacing around the arena with Safari he looked good. I was working with Duke in the stall and also visiting the little Goats. 

They are so cute, the three little ones its hard to get them the snack when the 2 larger ones are pushing you all over the place and you worry about the small ones not gettins snacks or getting pushed around.  Anyway it was good I had them cut up because I had enough for all of them to get 2 pieces each.
When I was with the goats I looked up and Kristen was on Safari riding around.  It was so nice to see Jess helping her Mom with Safari.


Before leaving I got him all brushed up earlier in the field but I had to wait til we were in the stall to do his tail.  It was a mess, he needed to get it clean.  When we were in the arena and Safari and Kristen were watching, he rolled to their delight.  He made everyone so excited with his funny voice and breathing and then his giant bump to the ground.  Hes a really funny guy, just love him  <3  xo

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