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Saturday, January 6, 2018

8 degrees, Inside walking FUN


Text Bonnie to make sure that the barn was ok today if the doors were open, water and if I could park on the ice (was it cleared after the blizzard on Thurday.  She said it was cold. I said I wanted to bring Duke outside and wanted to use the slider door.  She said that the wind chill was just too much.  When I got hteir I left the car running. It was cold. I was afraid she was right, the wind was whipping off the fields and snow came rushing over to me.  I put on the last layer of clothes, extra hat and then I went in. I took pics of the empty paddocks.  It was kinda sad. I could see that Duke through the cold ice window, he was talking ot me. Bonnie said to keep the doors closed as much as possible and ocme through the office. I good with whatever she wants, shes in charge.
So I went in and came around. All of the horses have coats and they were kicking around like crazy.  I went in on the other side and then came into Duke's side.
I walked down and Duke was mumbling horse talk a lot.  It was pretty cute.  I got his cut up green apples and cut up carrots.  The goats were there and they looked much warmer.  They are cute as a button.
It was obvious that Duke was so happy to see me. I opened his stall and we started to get ready to go into the arena for our 1+ mile walk.  Duke saw I got the lead line and when I held the halter, he put his head down so nicely.  Its the sweetest thing he does.  We came out of the stall and into the arena.  I had to put up the guards up, one of the wood boards 2'x4's were broken so they are using a cloth barrier.  Its working. Duke and I were walking and he was very nice. The firs thing he did was roll in the arena. It made me very happy.  Then we did our walk and some running and he did some kicking up.  It makes me feel wonderful when he runs around crazy.  I was alone with my horse today for a while until Jess and Kristen came. They were doin the feedings tonight.  I had snacks for all of the horses on our side. Apple slices and carrots cut up.
Well we did our exercises and I talked to Jess for a while. She caught me up on how Safari was doing.  He's doing pretty good shes a nice lady and has such a love for him I love it.
I was there for about 1 1/2 hours or so.  My car was nice and warm and then I went and got my gas, changed my boots and picked up some food from Mangia Mangia.  I was pretty coold its taking a while to warm up. 



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