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Saturday, January 20, 2018

50 degrees only a sweatshirt in the field

I never thought Id have a horse, I never thought a horse would have me.

So trusting, waiting for me at the barn, he knows I love him and I am his person.  So sweet seeing that guy, hes was sweet just hanging out with Muck his next door neighbor touching noses.  I parked next to the first barn, the hay barn, then went to stall and left the camera and the Showsheen. Came out to the paddock with a brush and comb.  I opend the gate and went in. Before I opened it Doc was pushed up against the gate.  He really wanted to get out today too.  Muck and Duke were loving each other.

 It was so fun to brush him out while in the paddock, it helps me to be outside with him rather than be in the barn.  I like to see all of the horses while they are relaxing together outside. I was brushing out Duke and his coat is so beautiful and thick.  Hes such a strong boy now adays.  I love how strong he looks.
As I was brushing him out there the coolest thing happened, he snuck me over to the gate and he began to tug at the lead line and then he looked over at me while he had it in his mouth.  He was acting like Mr Ed, telling me that he was finished with me brushing him and he wanted to get out of the paddock and go with me. I almost feel like he was getting excited to go for a ride.  He might be starting to enjoy it more. I lead him to the barn, on the way, he stole a bit of grass outside the gate.  The snow was still about 5 inces here and there.  Also there was ice in some places I'm still wearing my cleats to make sure that I don't fall.  I actually wear them on horseback too.  I was thinking that it may not be an ok idea because the cleat might get caught on the stirrup.  So far so good.  Anyway we got all tacked up, gave him his dewormer for Jan Feb. 
Gave Duke his dewormer for this Jan/Feb 2018

I walked him 3 times in the arena. I know that Ineed to have a something to keep him occupied while I mount.  I have noticed that he listens to me much more. I asked him to move to the left a bit while positioning him at the mount, he actually stepped sideways.  I had a bag of apple pieces cut up old ones and some of the green apples.  I jumped on quickly quicker than I had in awile.  We went around 2 times or so.  Then out the back door, it was open so all of his friends can see him walk proudly with me out to the front of the barn.  We walked I was strict on him not to let him graze at all. He was sort of depressed about that, ha ha.  We walked down the dirt road, around the hay barn and on the edge of the grass/snow of the road. I was alone at the barn, the way I like it best.  We walked to Bonnies house then on the snow areas.  There was a spot that was not good.  Too Deep, at the ruts of the field, it  had a ice crust and it was hard for him to pull his legs out.  I felt terrible all I could think of was that Winston had broken his leg somehow this winter and died.  How terrible it was.  With Duke I have to make sure that I don't do anything crazy.   As Bonnie said we need to take care of him and his hoofs.   Well I decied that if the snow was a problem or making his hoofs feel bad I would just walk across the field and that's what we did.  I walked back across the field in the big part too.  Then we went along again around the hay barn and down the field road edge.  The whole time I was giving him the apple pieces every few 1000 yards.  I think its healthy.  Well we turned at the edge near the property at Bonnies house.  Then we enjoyed our walk back and then around the barn.  I jumped off and the sweet girl that takes care of thme was taking in the horses. I asked her if was taking in the hores so I brouhd him in the back way.  The lady that owns Thistle was there and she said she was 32 years old. I was impressed she asked if I wanted to go out with her, I let her know that I was back from a ride and I was getting ready to leave.  She was tacking up she seems like a nice lady.

Thistle and her owner

I got him out and tacked him up.  I was talking to him the whole time.  Tacking him up was an easy he brushed out so nice.  I got his saddle and it had been covered up with the cover and it was neatly put away.  I had Duke on the hooks and he was so cute I could tell he was really excited about getting tacked up.

The tack up was easy and we went out into the arena to get on. I warmed him up.  Little Duke was with Liz earlier when I got there.  She said that Bonnie had fell earlier this week maybe Thursday and broke her hip.  She had to have a pin put in it.  The little horse help that does all of the work said that when she came into work, the ambulances were there and they were over by the end.  She left soon after I got there  and put little Duke back in the paddock while I was out with big Duke.  The horses made lots of sounds together.  

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