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Saturday, January 13, 2018

First Time 2018 Ride 30s

I'm thinking I want to go to the Barn earlier on Saturdays.  I got over there around 11am.  Bonnie, Krystyn, Her boyfriend Reggie, her brother too. They were working hard cleaning out the stalls.  I was happy to see them. I changed out my shoes for the cleats/muck boots.  I went in for a while and talked to Krystyn finding out how things were going over the past few days.  This Blizzard is a good thing to have gone. I hated the dangerous snow.  As I came across the fields on the road, they were beautiful green with some snow on the very edges especially that corner that Duke and I love to walk to.  I asked if Duke was doing good, not naughty and how Townes was doing.  Bonnie said, Townes is fine, a puncture wound.  Townes and Sienna were in their stalls .I noticed the goats were gone, Krystyn said they were back at the house.  It makes sense now that its warmer, but its not going to last.  As I was driving over the temp went from 53 at 10am to in the low thirties and then dipped down more. I was cold outside in the sun.
As I went over to get Duke, he was over in his paddock with doc.  Hes really looking beautiful today.  Great coat, great hoofs, bright eyes, spunky and sweet.  He sort of hugged me a bit as he was clearning the gate. I noticed that Doc seemed avlittle bit more respectful to Duke today.  I ended up giving him a snack.
I brushed out that guy and he just shone.  Beautiful and sweet.  I know his tail has had some chunks taken out of it but hes still great.  He was so good about picking up his hoofs. I am proud of him.  Hes alittle bit fresh from the last few weeks inside and the terrible weather. This week has turned it all around.  Anyway I had such a wonderful time brushing him out.  Hes a dream.  He was the greatest with his hoof cleaning.  Then I brushed his face and he slowly began to relax and almost fall asleep.  It was so fun.  I then got him all ready except for my helmet and reins. brought him into the stall and worked on the new bridle.  He just cant fit in it.  He needs a new hole put in the bridle.  Krystyn helped me put it on, I was actually putting on the bridle and bit and it was off in side. I had to place his bridle on 3 times. Today I was actually putting on the bridle in front of Krystyn. I thought she would tell me IM doing it wrong.  She didn't. I think I might be getting a bit better at it.

Anyway Saddle on, Old black bridle on ready to go, in the arena the back door was open and I walked him for 2+ times around the arena and then out the back door.  He had a good pace and we went out to the side of the barn and out to the snow corner.  As we went out we were coming up to quite a bit of exposed long delicious grass.  Duke was funny crazy I had to get after him abit. I decided that it may have been too snowy icy and I would turn around in a bit.  Well we got to the end and he turned in a circle one way, dug on the ground with this hoof and then went in a circle the other way and dug again and then I saw his knee bend and I realized he was about to think he could roll with me on his back. I yelled at him and got after him he tried to do it again. It was totally entertaining. I was sort of excited but then mad at him. We walked back.
 Bonnie yelled at Duke to "stay on the edge".  Shes funny, I went back over to the edge.  We rode back to the barn, behind the hay storage areas near the tractors and then up the roadway. Duke was good a little bit choppy.  Then we turned around the other side of the road and he was trotting back with pride. It was fun.  I brought himinto the arena we walked around 3 times and then I took off his saddle. We saw Jess in there she didn't bring a coat and was wearing Safaris blanket.  pretty cute. I had a great ride, short and sweet.
I stayed, took off his bit, reins, saddle and gently brushed him out on the other side. It was nice I could bring him back to the paddock and then let him play in the sunny day again.  I put the rest of the sliced apples into his bucket. Hes going to get a surprise when hes back in his stall and there is sliced apples in the bucket.  :)

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