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Monday, February 27, 2023

New game on a Monday Dave did Beau's hoofs

 Left to meet Dave around. 1108, it was later than I wanted but the meeting with my new team went over, I think it went for an hour, and it was scheduled for 30min. Not sure what I was suppose to do.

Well when I got there Dave's van was at te door the new guy who helps was comin gout of the doorwat, he seems like a nice person, happy. Krystyn and Bonnie were doing stalls. Dave was set up infront of Duke's stall with the red cross ties that say McHugh on Beau.

Beau was facing the arena, kinda edgy. Dave thinks hes a bit relucktant to wokr with his feet. After talking to Dave, I thanked him for coming and we talked, he said that he was sick for the last 6 weeks or so, something happened to his stomache, the diaphrame went up inside his esophogos, he had to go for surgery. He lost 60 pounds and just thought it was him. He would just eat 1/2 a sandwich. Well it was serous but he got it taken care of.

Back to Beau, he was staring at me, giving me a look. Dave said it was good to have me at the other end but I had to let him know that everything is good. His hoofs look great. Clean, tan or whilte like on a couple. Duke's were brown, dark not black and not light. brown.

Well Dave said that only one of the hoofs is infected, with thrush, hes doing great. Dave got him to raise his hoof really good. He doesnt take crap from Beau, Im glad.

I changed out Beaus blanket, Krystyn had used Johnnys old one to keep Beau warm on  over the weekend and into Sunday. I changed out his red one. It looks great on him. After the trim I asked Krystyn what she thought aobut him going out, was the paddock slippery she said she can put him out 1/2 day tomorrow. I think she knows I want to get Beaus behavoirs back so he enjoys the paddock more. I had the one they have him in, its flooded.

I took his blanket off so he ciuld go into the arena. Dakota's orner was getting him ready, he looks just like Beau just a little bit smallter. hes got the star and thes same coloring. Im not sure about the sox.

As soon as I took his blanket off he rolled, he loves to roll. We have a nice deal hes busy in the arena when I can work him. I am looking forward to doing some work in the arena as soon as I can get on to this job. Really getting into the change. No Harry :)

Well I set up to do some round penning, Beau ran alot but I didnt have the whip so he sort of took advantage o fmy. He pooped in the corner. :(

I forgot toe scoop it so IM kinda bumed.

Well he stopped running fo rme. Ididnt get the whip instead I started to talk t him Not sue what he was doing but he stood in the corner. waiting

then I talked t him and he walked over to this cone in the middle of the arena that tsome left. 

Well he touch his nose to it. He decided that he wanted to play targe with me.

I coulnt have been happier, it wasnt what I taught him with so hes played htis game before,. we continued intuil I had not more treats for him about 8 or more touches no clicker. 

It was fun funny.

I moved he cone around the arena and he followed me. He loves to play our games. 

I stayed for a whlie and then headed back to workl no lunch I had an oatmeal square.

It was a good day.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Playing Games w/Beau

 REally late in the day for visiting at the barn. Last night went dow to 6 degrees, and today the high was like 18 degrees. It started snowing while I was with Beau in the barn. Aurora came later and Patti was there doing the waters. She spent the entire dtime I was there using a small bucket to give or top off some of the waters. She ended up giving Beau water too. I wanted to pitch in with her but she was on a roll and I was really there late. Not sure if shes feeling great, she has so much going on with her family sometimes. 
I enjoyed the time in the arena, if Beau has been in for days at least 2 I thought he would really like going into the arena to roll and run. Hes really doing great. 

We did the massage pad and his qw we did the backward steps, we walked some but not as much as I would hav eliked, hes likes running and playing with me. We did the clicker training and hes doing so well. he just licks me while we are working out. He shows love when ever he can. 


Aurora said she caught him trying to push over into his stall like I had tol dher but she just took his chain on his nose and held it. when he felt the pulling on his face he stopped and show her respect.

I have been working really gently with him, barely touching him to ask him to move. I am hoping that he starts to understad me, I am going to be gentle with that racehorse. unless I need to be shoving, I just dont see the need. we are not on the range running away from a posse :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Fun weekend both days

So very happy to get over to barn both day Saturday just ne and my boy. We were goin to the hockey game Saturday night so I had to keep it short. I got a chance to talk to Krystyn and talked more with Aurora 

She told her biy Rowan   Was thin and he was on weight feed to help him out on weight

I asked her if it was ok if I brought him into the arena so that I could exercise him as soon as I could. she didnt nind at all and she has such a great attitude. she said that her friend was going to ride her horse in the next day. Patty had said that possibly Rowan may not be able to be ridden. I was a little worried to see a little horse that was not fat, meaning skinny. I like Aurora a lot and she has made a good addition to this project. 

It was so nice to talk to get. Although I missed Patti I was able to bring my boy in and let him work out in the arena. He got a nice massage session after running.

I bonded so well with him, he also while being brought in and Aurora was behind me in the aile, as I walked by the open door of the stall he darted into Sienna's stall. My response might have been a little bit light. I took him right how . . . and brought him onto the arena area.  <3 

Then Kristie came with her family niece was goin to have her niece ride Jax

I brought over the check for dentist Feb 22 Wayne 

Krystyn got back to me about the dentist visit that it went good no issues

I think he would really like to have his teeth brushed ;-)

He’s made me so proud how he lives to run so much  I wish I could 

Sunday I was able to meet up with Patty but sill just brought him in and did our work in the arena. He did the jump into a stall actually did HoneyBees. I was kinda mad so I locked him in and then let him sort of beg to get out and work with me in the arena.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Late afternoon bring Beau in

 Really delighted at being able to bring Beau in. Aurora is the person who feeds on Saturday and Wednesday. 

I drive up with some oatmeal snacks

Beau worked his magic he’s been a love. 

After we work out he lives on me with licking my hands. It’s easy to go get the massage pad and brush him. Knowing he had a difficult life as race horse. Then lonely at Greenwood. 

Now he’s just a sweet boy who lives to run with me ❤️😊

I love ❤️  this picture. This is how he looks when he’s finished running and I asked him to woah and to “Come in”. So proud of this boy look at his face ❤️

Really happy to be working with him. He’s got the issue if I don’t use a chain he mows me over to go into his stall.  I guess I need the chain for this racehorse boy. He doesn’t mean me harm but as we stepped by the stall Sienna stall he stomped over across me in a way I can’t explain really. I know I need to help him understand it’s a problem. As I walked him down the path outside

He was very happy to cooperate

I asked him to do his back steps 20 plus 10 more. Excellent work. But he out 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Wonderful visit later in the Sat afternoon, then Sunday


Great visit, best workout together

I went over before getting Wes for the overnight.

It was really fun, being with Beau, he watched me as I spoke to Patti who was out with Sienna's paddock. He was looking at me anxiously. It made my hear feel warm.

I gave a few treats to Sienna then went over to Beaus paddock. Patti was so sweet to hang out with me, I know she was done with Sienna, she had cleaned the ailse and was heading out but hung out.

I brought Beau in and hes got the problem where he pushse me into his stall. Patti thinks because he just likes his stall, feels safe comfortable. Wants to go to his room sorot of. I was feeling that thing again where he pushes on me, I feel that hes a bit of a danger, not listener when he fhoves me aside.

Well he went running in and I let him chill in the stall for a minute then I put him back out in the ailse. Brushed him a bit hes was watching my every move. Brushing him out and checking his legs and feet. Hes just ok about letting me pick his hoofs. Some day we are going to fix that. Dave said thet he would help me do that thing that cowboys do where the tie a rope around the hoof and lift it.

It was funny, I was sharing how great Beau's round penning is and how hes the hes been in the open pen for the liberty moves. That I was working with Beau, and hes great when we work out in the Round penning. I got corrected by P but I knew I was right. unlined lunging, yikes funny how if someone dont know about training concepts they actually think they dont exist. I was put off but quickly didnt really care much.

Krystyn thinks that he was worked out alot and it shows hes still got it. He really helps me feel like I am making progress with him.

Honestly I start to work with him by "Pushing him out" right in front of me. Then my body position let him see which way I want him to run.

Krystyn said that a click is a trot and a kiss is a canter. She thinks that he'll be able to do this.

Im excited about this.

As I was working him out Patty was mentioning that its probably really difficult to walk in the paddock so Beau never gets to really run. So now I let him run alot. I wonder if Sienna would like to run like that, if she gets ansy. Kayla Patti and Aurora the newer boarder and owner of Rowan.

Wonderful round penning, he ran so good, left for a while then right then he came tome when asked

My sweet Beau is in the worst paddock 

He was miserable at the gate but actually really sweet so happy to see me.

Round penning is Beaus favorite thing to do with me, for workouts. I think he needs more trail time but our work will be in the arena and the trail work will not be fro a long time.

Aurora is a new young woman that is owns Rowen the skinny little horse with the blankets. I see him looking at us,  She is very nice, she came on Saturday. she is very nice and does the Sat feedings, she seems very good.

I had been working with Beau in the arena, round penning. He moves left, he moves right, he continues to run.  He turns, he ends and comes into me when I say, Wooah and then say, ok come in. He fiished his 

Patti was watching and she tried to correct me that I was wrong about round penning, she said that it was called lunging or free lunging.


Really short

Apples, snacks, almost dinner time Krystyn was filling the buckets, we talked alot about Beau

Krystyn gave me Beau's sign

Saturday, February 4, 2023

So cold -12 overnight 6degrees today


Home made apple sauce warm for Beau and Sienna ❤️



Swing over to see Beau after - Car seat pick up in Chelmsford

 Beautiful day, not too cold, apple sauce some love and peppermints for everyone. Spoke with June who was exercising Africa in the arena. She showed me Africa's beautiful forehead marking. Its the shape of Africa so beautiful. She welcomed me into the arena with Beau but I let her know Beau and I were perfectly happy just hanging out and talking with him.  I took a few pictures of June with Africa working out together. June stopped to talk, I gave her some peppermints and talked about Parrelli and just working on the ground. I shared that I was missing my guy Duke so much and that I was healing from neck or vertebrae therapy. ill be back working out as soon as I am strong and comfortable again. Until then I have lots of work to do with Beau just playing.

The remainder of the pics were from the weekend before too. Ill make a separate post.