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Saturday, February 11, 2023

Wonderful visit later in the Sat afternoon, then Sunday


Great visit, best workout together

I went over before getting Wes for the overnight.

It was really fun, being with Beau, he watched me as I spoke to Patti who was out with Sienna's paddock. He was looking at me anxiously. It made my hear feel warm.

I gave a few treats to Sienna then went over to Beaus paddock. Patti was so sweet to hang out with me, I know she was done with Sienna, she had cleaned the ailse and was heading out but hung out.

I brought Beau in and hes got the problem where he pushse me into his stall. Patti thinks because he just likes his stall, feels safe comfortable. Wants to go to his room sorot of. I was feeling that thing again where he pushes on me, I feel that hes a bit of a danger, not listener when he fhoves me aside.

Well he went running in and I let him chill in the stall for a minute then I put him back out in the ailse. Brushed him a bit hes was watching my every move. Brushing him out and checking his legs and feet. Hes just ok about letting me pick his hoofs. Some day we are going to fix that. Dave said thet he would help me do that thing that cowboys do where the tie a rope around the hoof and lift it.

It was funny, I was sharing how great Beau's round penning is and how hes the hes been in the open pen for the liberty moves. That I was working with Beau, and hes great when we work out in the Round penning. I got corrected by P but I knew I was right. unlined lunging, yikes funny how if someone dont know about training concepts they actually think they dont exist. I was put off but quickly didnt really care much.

Krystyn thinks that he was worked out alot and it shows hes still got it. He really helps me feel like I am making progress with him.

Honestly I start to work with him by "Pushing him out" right in front of me. Then my body position let him see which way I want him to run.

Krystyn said that a click is a trot and a kiss is a canter. She thinks that he'll be able to do this.

Im excited about this.

As I was working him out Patty was mentioning that its probably really difficult to walk in the paddock so Beau never gets to really run. So now I let him run alot. I wonder if Sienna would like to run like that, if she gets ansy. Kayla Patti and Aurora the newer boarder and owner of Rowan.

Wonderful round penning, he ran so good, left for a while then right then he came tome when asked

My sweet Beau is in the worst paddock 

He was miserable at the gate but actually really sweet so happy to see me.

Round penning is Beaus favorite thing to do with me, for workouts. I think he needs more trail time but our work will be in the arena and the trail work will not be fro a long time.

Aurora is a new young woman that is owns Rowen the skinny little horse with the blankets. I see him looking at us,  She is very nice, she came on Saturday. she is very nice and does the Sat feedings, she seems very good.

I had been working with Beau in the arena, round penning. He moves left, he moves right, he continues to run.  He turns, he ends and comes into me when I say, Wooah and then say, ok come in. He fiished his 

Patti was watching and she tried to correct me that I was wrong about round penning, she said that it was called lunging or free lunging.


Really short

Apples, snacks, almost dinner time Krystyn was filling the buckets, we talked alot about Beau

Krystyn gave me Beau's sign

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