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Monday, February 27, 2023

New game on a Monday Dave did Beau's hoofs

 Left to meet Dave around. 1108, it was later than I wanted but the meeting with my new team went over, I think it went for an hour, and it was scheduled for 30min. Not sure what I was suppose to do.

Well when I got there Dave's van was at te door the new guy who helps was comin gout of the doorwat, he seems like a nice person, happy. Krystyn and Bonnie were doing stalls. Dave was set up infront of Duke's stall with the red cross ties that say McHugh on Beau.

Beau was facing the arena, kinda edgy. Dave thinks hes a bit relucktant to wokr with his feet. After talking to Dave, I thanked him for coming and we talked, he said that he was sick for the last 6 weeks or so, something happened to his stomache, the diaphrame went up inside his esophogos, he had to go for surgery. He lost 60 pounds and just thought it was him. He would just eat 1/2 a sandwich. Well it was serous but he got it taken care of.

Back to Beau, he was staring at me, giving me a look. Dave said it was good to have me at the other end but I had to let him know that everything is good. His hoofs look great. Clean, tan or whilte like on a couple. Duke's were brown, dark not black and not light. brown.

Well Dave said that only one of the hoofs is infected, with thrush, hes doing great. Dave got him to raise his hoof really good. He doesnt take crap from Beau, Im glad.

I changed out Beaus blanket, Krystyn had used Johnnys old one to keep Beau warm on  over the weekend and into Sunday. I changed out his red one. It looks great on him. After the trim I asked Krystyn what she thought aobut him going out, was the paddock slippery she said she can put him out 1/2 day tomorrow. I think she knows I want to get Beaus behavoirs back so he enjoys the paddock more. I had the one they have him in, its flooded.

I took his blanket off so he ciuld go into the arena. Dakota's orner was getting him ready, he looks just like Beau just a little bit smallter. hes got the star and thes same coloring. Im not sure about the sox.

As soon as I took his blanket off he rolled, he loves to roll. We have a nice deal hes busy in the arena when I can work him. I am looking forward to doing some work in the arena as soon as I can get on to this job. Really getting into the change. No Harry :)

Well I set up to do some round penning, Beau ran alot but I didnt have the whip so he sort of took advantage o fmy. He pooped in the corner. :(

I forgot toe scoop it so IM kinda bumed.

Well he stopped running fo rme. Ididnt get the whip instead I started to talk t him Not sue what he was doing but he stood in the corner. waiting

then I talked t him and he walked over to this cone in the middle of the arena that tsome left. 

Well he touch his nose to it. He decided that he wanted to play targe with me.

I coulnt have been happier, it wasnt what I taught him with so hes played htis game before,. we continued intuil I had not more treats for him about 8 or more touches no clicker. 

It was fun funny.

I moved he cone around the arena and he followed me. He loves to play our games. 

I stayed for a whlie and then headed back to workl no lunch I had an oatmeal square.

It was a good day.

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