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Monday, May 29, 2023

Longest ride yet - beautiful cool day

What a great day, Bonnie was passing me on the road with a wave.  Remembered tahat I should leave a check for board on Wednesday.
I got to the farm, Patti was in the aisle she told me, Beau was in, it was strange, I texted Krystyn to see why?
She said that he was going to go on 1/2 days whlle her horse is settled into a double friend paddock. I was wondering what what going on, so strange, I wish she would let me know before just taking him off of his outside time. The thing is he doesnt really hate going into his stall . . . but still I hate how she treats him.

Anyway when I walked in his face gets so bright. I tacked him up right away. Made sure that I had made the peak in the pad so that his withers would be comfortable. i talked to him the whole time about it too.
Put his bridle on with a yummy mint. He does so good.
I took him, met up with Patti and Sienna,  and we walked for a long time with Patti
maybe a mile or so. He did great, after she was done I brought him out brushed him bit and then round penned him or free lunged, he. did ok, needed to poop in the corner because soeone left their poop over in the corner and he loves that. i hate it. When I got there he pooped in his stall so I didnt think he had to go agqin but he did.
Anyway after some free lunging, I walked over to the mounting block and he came over, I wasnt sure I was going to jump on and then, I just sat right on him and we walked, it was the most I have every ridden him. I tlked to him the whole time and also gave him snacks, he was pretty happy. 
I said Woah to see if he would stop w/o me using the reins, and he did.

Also hes pretty good because i backed him up no problem, he is trying to get me.

At one point Beau went the direction i didnt ask, I felt like he sort of made a mistakes, and when I corrected him by turning him he was very cooperative. Honestly Im so proud of him.

Proud of my boy, hes so my boy.

I rode more than I had ever ridden with him, and I dismounted just perfectly. I love it.


Saturday, May 27, 2023

Memorial Day Weekend - Put up Hay First 90 Day, Monday

 SATURDAY:  Crazy day today, They were doing hay, the bales were in the far feild and there was a crazy truck filled to the top of the truck bed's piled on top of a ton of hay bales.

I thought he was going to fall off.But he didnt. The boys and Krystyn was walking back, I guess they took a break and ate at the back of the barn, 

when I texted Patti she was alone in the barn and the rest of the Greenwood gang was out in the far feield.

I wanted to get over quick, maybe ride, but when I got there I felt like it was just oo hot. Beau was out, he had not water, I didnt realize it until aftrer we did a really great workout in the arena.

I used the dressage whip and it was great. He ran and had great form. he turned the other direction no problem. I set up a few hula hoops for a course, he ran through it with me a couple times then lost interested. 

I grabbed the blue ball and kicked it across the arena, he got excited suddenly and went into the most execting rodeo formation Really fun, but then he didnt respond to the ball at all.

I brought him out to the paddock, its dry but there was no water. I brought him in the barn, let him graze on grass and then into his stall. He was happy. Patti gave everyone hay. 

When Krystyn got back she was so glad that Patti had given all the horses hay in their stalls.

Beau loves her, she said that when she goes out to the paddocks, he is all Mr chatty to her. She said that he never had dont that before She thinks hes really happy.

Randomly all the time he licks my hand, tell me he is appreciative that I am there just hanging out. He does it during times I dont expect it,while we are doing soemthing or while I am opening the gate or getting his stuff ready. I brushed him out in his stall, he was supper happy I had 2 apple sauces and I gave him them on a rock so he could lick it all at his own pace.

It worked fine, I gave the horse next ot him, Legend some last week, Beau jumped between me and the fence to tell Legend to bug off. It was funny.

He trots, he canterss all on cue, then I  Krystyn ended up coming back after a while, her face was so red.

Krystyn went to get a new horse, I think; 
Maybe this horse
it was so quiet, just me but it was hot
I got there early around 10 or 1030, Grabbed Beau after I got the saddle and bridle ready.
I had a big apple, 
I brought hi in hte arena, and he moved pretty slow, waking with me, I snapped th whip and Beau went around a little. He was hot so I thought it might be best to just walk, I walked him around and we talked, he didnt even feel like doing turns or back steps. Well on the way into the barn, we stopped and had some delicious grass, I was pretty good, he moves when I ask and he didnt pull on me when I let him eat a bit then walked into the barn.
Walked aorund in the barn arena, brushed him out and 
gave him a nice shower, ate more pepperments went back out to the paddock, althought it was hot there was plenty of water in his water bucket.
I borught him a little bit of hay, I wondered why  Dusty was in his stall and I didnt know why.
He had not hay and he was sad, I was afraid to give him hay so 

After the quick shower and going back into the paddock, Beau rolled in the dirt 2 times in front of me. So funny <3

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Dr Katz Saddle Check and basic maintenance

Got up so early, actually I just could barely get there early enough to get the saddle and the bit on him. I left at like 712 and got there at 740 or a little earlier. Bonnie came in while I was getting Beau ready, gave the grain. then left. She had on some sandels not worried about a thing. I was almost ready to go int the arena and a piece of the saddle came undone. I need to find out how to reattach and replace with real leather piece. Anyway. I got his saddle on and we were ready to go. just as I was going into the arena, the 2 older folks showed up with the trailer for Joliet and Spicey. They look so fragile but somehow they contiue to ride successfully in the feilds with their horses.

Anyway I took Beau into the arena and "free lunged" him as Dr Katz called it. He was right on the money, then he sort of stopped short waited for a waste of time, then pooped. He went around a few times and we had a nice time exercises.  I think Beau likes to free lunge but he slowed down. 
Katz was smiling at him he was really impressed with him. 

Anyway, I asked him to help me with the saddle positioning and get a look at the pad is it still good for him? He said that hes getting better and that the pad is good, I dont need, anything. I thought he should take a look at how I was seated on Beau. He said, you are good you dont have any issues, your weight isnt going to bother him.

He also commented that Beau will do good on the trails, if he had some experience and went out with a horse friend. I could just see the visuon of us walking on the field trails.

When I put the pad on I need to pinch it up on his wither and make sure that there is plenty of room in front of the saddle with the pad sticking up and out.

I had a billet fall apart just before Dr Katz got there. I was struggling to put it back on him. It goes on funny, so I went into the tack room to find another billet and follow the way the strings of leather go in and out of the holes with a lace like patten.

Tonight I ordered a new side billet to replace the nylon weave billet that I had bought 2nd hand.

I was talking about buying a new pad or wondering about the saddle to Dr Katz, he said What you dont like the saddle? I told him that I had been looking around. He said that, It fits, its light, its comfy. I guess Im really lucky that so much stuff of Duke's fits Beau perfectly.

At the end of the session Beau got really pushy

I wondered if he was showing his dark side

Naughty horse.

Beau was really patient while I ws putting his billet back together 

Muck was really wild today when I visited, he was racing all around the paddock. He also was scaring the little horse, Tucker. I see that Tucker is with Cisco now. I hope that works out.


Sunday, May 21, 2023

Quick visit Sunday


Had to get back by 230 so i needed to work make the time really count and not lose track of time or get disctracted. I was 👩‍⚕️ bing over at 1230 not much time plus I needed to grocery shop too.

I had finished the supplements yesterday. It was such a great day. Rode, exercised, by lunging did Beau's poop test, worked out with Sienna in arena,  easy bit and saddle

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Rainy Saturday feel like we did it all Pouring rain

 After going over to the barn on a few Tuesdays and getting Beau moving and even tacked up before 8am, I am thinking of putting it into my schedule because Dr Katz was recommending that he get 3 days of exercise or riding, so if I was to arrange to come over to the barn on one extra day, he may be able to strengthen even more.
It would only be on day, maybe each week maybe 2 times a month. Im going to try.

  • Got to the barn around 1230
  • It was absolutely pouring out and we need the rain.
  • There was hay bales in the ailse it was a strange green color, like it hadnt gotten dried out yet.
  • Kristie was there with Krystyn, she had a stethescope around her nect they were talking, on one else at the barn, I went in as they were yappin.
  • Her little horse Jax is very sweet, while she was getting him ready I told her he was sweet and that I would like to play with him in the arena some day do some exercises, training on Ground work and liberty. Jax was sweet and I did some walking he followed and when I ran with him, he did pretty good. I dont think that she plays with him muchl I would like to play with him another day but its not really in her planning for him. She mentioned Perelli but it wasnt very good. She said he was lazy but hes just really bored with her.
  • She tacked him up quick, little grooming and recorded her self going around and around in the arena. Seemed boring for him. I know she wants to run him.
  • Patti came with her pad and lots of cookies for Sienna.
  • After Kristie finished  working out with Jax,
  • I worked with Beau brushign him oout and getting him all tacked in his stall and then , got him ready for working out in the arena. I got a stool sample and brushed him out good.
  •  Patti and Sienna was in the arena and Sienna was running around wild. She so sweet. but Patti said she didnt feel like riding she can tell by watching how she acts while she is unwinding.
  • Patti, Seinna, Beau and myself went into the arena and did some walking together. We did curves, figure 8s and serpentines.
  • I put the poles out, and we were walking over them and running tool Patti walked Seienna knew what we were doing. I rad over the poles a few times with Beau, hse really sweet he ran close to me and picked up o every cue.

Happy 23rd Birthday Lots of Beau