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Saturday, May 13, 2023

Short visit before meeting up with Val, Raychel, Joe, Wes Chase

Pretty solid visit, Bonnie and Krystyn were doing the stalls with a lawn mower because the gator is broken at the shop. Bonnie was really bummed. The lawnmoser had a small cart of the back and Bonnie had to empty it be shoveling. I think it would be more effective with the wheel barrel. They were filling up the cart and having the lawnmower in the ailse. It was loud and doing back firing.
I waited to use the in door because Bonnie said that they were driving out the back and she thought that Beau might go crazy. I didnt really thik so. So it took forever to finish the stalls and get them dumped. It made it so that even Kristi was there and I was still waitin got go oint the indoor, and I was there early but wasted time waiting because they were still doing the stalls. Anyway I made a plan, take him in and then just do his bit. I think he may be easier than Duke. After getting him into the stall, waiting forever, I brushed him out in the stall, he picked up 2 of his feet and one of them I was even able to get cleaned out with the pick.  I put in his bit, I did it with a snack Hes ok with it completely. 
  • Used the pad today at the risk of not having enough stability. I planned to just sit on him and see if he would just stand still with me.  He did, just stood at the mounting block.  Im so proud.
  • Round penned him first, hes really such a good boy, I love how he runs. He went both ways today, it was very nice. '
  • For the first time ever, he did.a wild back rodeo kick uip in the high air and the one more, then went running aound agian to the lieft. No pooping in the corner. He watches me but we are not relly good with "click for trot" or "kiss for canter".
  • Went out to Beau's paddock. thank god its drained of all the terrible green bacteria water. It was turning a strange green and I was afraid that he might get an infection. But hes super smart and doesnt go into it because I think it doesnt feel comfortable., but the soil supports tiny grass so he gets to nibble tiny grass. 
  • Also in Beau's paddock had the most beautiful butterfly that was flutterying around and sitting , yellowtail swallow tail.
  • After I taking Beau through the paddock, Kristie was mounting and she fell of the block. I turned because I heard the noise of the block falling over over and her on the ground. She said that Jax had stepped away as she was getting on. I felt bad that she fell but she was ok, she said her horse did not run or panick. Thats good.
  • If I could have I would have followed out Patti, instead kristie was folowing her. he was annoyed, at the barn she talks aobut how to kill pigeons. Its kinda sickning.  Anyway, she feel off the mounrting block, she said it was her horses fault for walking away I think that there needs to be some work there. Then whil eI was getting a ton more snacks from the car, she was walking loudly around the corner and her horse just spazzed out. She seemed to recover him.
  • I made up some packages for Beau in the baggie, its alot better to do.
  • On Saturday Beau was dewormed with the Quest Duramectin one.


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