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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Dr Katz Saddle Check and basic maintenance

Got up so early, actually I just could barely get there early enough to get the saddle and the bit on him. I left at like 712 and got there at 740 or a little earlier. Bonnie came in while I was getting Beau ready, gave the grain. then left. She had on some sandels not worried about a thing. I was almost ready to go int the arena and a piece of the saddle came undone. I need to find out how to reattach and replace with real leather piece. Anyway. I got his saddle on and we were ready to go. just as I was going into the arena, the 2 older folks showed up with the trailer for Joliet and Spicey. They look so fragile but somehow they contiue to ride successfully in the feilds with their horses.

Anyway I took Beau into the arena and "free lunged" him as Dr Katz called it. He was right on the money, then he sort of stopped short waited for a waste of time, then pooped. He went around a few times and we had a nice time exercises.  I think Beau likes to free lunge but he slowed down. 
Katz was smiling at him he was really impressed with him. 

Anyway, I asked him to help me with the saddle positioning and get a look at the pad is it still good for him? He said that hes getting better and that the pad is good, I dont need, anything. I thought he should take a look at how I was seated on Beau. He said, you are good you dont have any issues, your weight isnt going to bother him.

He also commented that Beau will do good on the trails, if he had some experience and went out with a horse friend. I could just see the visuon of us walking on the field trails.

When I put the pad on I need to pinch it up on his wither and make sure that there is plenty of room in front of the saddle with the pad sticking up and out.

I had a billet fall apart just before Dr Katz got there. I was struggling to put it back on him. It goes on funny, so I went into the tack room to find another billet and follow the way the strings of leather go in and out of the holes with a lace like patten.

Tonight I ordered a new side billet to replace the nylon weave billet that I had bought 2nd hand.

I was talking about buying a new pad or wondering about the saddle to Dr Katz, he said What you dont like the saddle? I told him that I had been looking around. He said that, It fits, its light, its comfy. I guess Im really lucky that so much stuff of Duke's fits Beau perfectly.

At the end of the session Beau got really pushy

I wondered if he was showing his dark side

Naughty horse.

Beau was really patient while I ws putting his billet back together 

Muck was really wild today when I visited, he was racing all around the paddock. He also was scaring the little horse, Tucker. I see that Tucker is with Cisco now. I hope that works out.


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