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Saturday, May 20, 2023

Rainy Saturday feel like we did it all Pouring rain

 After going over to the barn on a few Tuesdays and getting Beau moving and even tacked up before 8am, I am thinking of putting it into my schedule because Dr Katz was recommending that he get 3 days of exercise or riding, so if I was to arrange to come over to the barn on one extra day, he may be able to strengthen even more.
It would only be on day, maybe each week maybe 2 times a month. Im going to try.

  • Got to the barn around 1230
  • It was absolutely pouring out and we need the rain.
  • There was hay bales in the ailse it was a strange green color, like it hadnt gotten dried out yet.
  • Kristie was there with Krystyn, she had a stethescope around her nect they were talking, on one else at the barn, I went in as they were yappin.
  • Her little horse Jax is very sweet, while she was getting him ready I told her he was sweet and that I would like to play with him in the arena some day do some exercises, training on Ground work and liberty. Jax was sweet and I did some walking he followed and when I ran with him, he did pretty good. I dont think that she plays with him muchl I would like to play with him another day but its not really in her planning for him. She mentioned Perelli but it wasnt very good. She said he was lazy but hes just really bored with her.
  • She tacked him up quick, little grooming and recorded her self going around and around in the arena. Seemed boring for him. I know she wants to run him.
  • Patti came with her pad and lots of cookies for Sienna.
  • After Kristie finished  working out with Jax,
  • I worked with Beau brushign him oout and getting him all tacked in his stall and then , got him ready for working out in the arena. I got a stool sample and brushed him out good.
  •  Patti and Sienna was in the arena and Sienna was running around wild. She so sweet. but Patti said she didnt feel like riding she can tell by watching how she acts while she is unwinding.
  • Patti, Seinna, Beau and myself went into the arena and did some walking together. We did curves, figure 8s and serpentines.
  • I put the poles out, and we were walking over them and running tool Patti walked Seienna knew what we were doing. I rad over the poles a few times with Beau, hse really sweet he ran close to me and picked up o every cue.

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